Seed II - K. MJ x Reader x P. HN

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Hanni knew better than to act possessive of Y/n. So, she stepped up to the front gate of Y/n's house and waited for Y/n to be done with their conversation.

"Oh, Hanni!" Investor Minji acted as if she hadn't seen her earlier.

"Hi, Investor Kim," Hanni politely replied.

Hanni could see something in Minji's eyes, something she didn't like.

- Minji POV -

"Just think about what I said, I'm here to help. You just have to ask," I coldly told Y/n, before turning to glare at Hanni and walking away.

I didn't like that Hanni had walked out and interrupted our conversation.

It wasn't a good look for her.

I head headed after that and thought about Y/n all night. I thought about how much money I'd have to pour into a business that was shaky in itself.

Eventually, I decided to go to sleep.

- Hanni POV -

I still couldn't understand why Y/n wasn't accepting Minji's offer to help. It seemed like Minji was more than willing to give Y/n whatever they wanted.

I hadn't figured out why yet, but the way Investor Kim looked at Y/n last night was very telling.

Minji seemed to really care about Y/n.

"That's not feasible, you hardly have any money as it is," Investor Kim coldly told Y/n during our company meeting.

There was only 4 of us in the company. Me, Y/n, a marketing person, and an office assistant. It was small and a bit of an odd combination, but we were making it work.

Still, I hated that Minji publicly humiliated Y/n with her statements. Y/n was just doing what they thought was best for the company.

"It is feasible, we just need to target the right audience. We will not waste more money than needed when it's targeted to the right audience," Y/n tried to defend their idea.

"And how are you going to do that? Half the people you are targeting can hardly hear, don't keep up with modern trends, or have limited income," Investor Kim rebutted.

"Are you being classist and ableist?" Y/n responded, offended.

"No, I am being realistic!" Investor Kim slammed her hands on the conference table and walked out of the meeting.

Y/n took a deep breath and lowly said, "you're all dismissed".

Everyone looked around the room a bit confused, but did as they were asked.

Just as soon as everyone exited the conference room, Y/n kicked the rolling whiteboard and angrily yelled out.... "Why can't she just understand?!"

My eyes went wide at the sight.

Y/n could be a bit temperamental at times, but this seemed a bit different. It looked a bit personal.

It seemed like Y/n was trying so hard to impress Investor Kim, but Minji just straight up rejected it. Even after that fact that she told Y/n she would help no matter what.

"Then make her understand," I sighed out.

I felt a bit powerless in the company at times. Y/n and I had started the company together, but it felt like sometimes I had no say in much.

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