You Hurting, Hurts Me - K. MJ x Reader

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"Don't do it!" Sosaengnim yelled.

It had been 5 stressful minutes of trying to get Y/n-ssi down from the ledge of the school roof.

"At least talk to me! Things will be fine!!" Sosaengnim continued to yell.

Y/n-ssi still didn't speak a single word and just drunkenly and recklessly skipped around the edge of the roof.... hoping to fall off.

"If I fall backward, it would be best. That way if I don't die from the height then maybe I'll hit my head and land in a coma," Y/n thought to themselves.

Just as Y/n-ssi was about to get in position to fall back, someone suddenly came out of nowhere and grabbed Y/n's hand.... pulling them off the ledge and dragging them to the school infirmary.

- Y/N POV -

I didn't even get the chance to jump when The Student Body President randomly started to drag me down to the nurse.

"I got it," Minji said to the nurse as she made me sit down on the bed in the infirmary.

The nurse got up and left the room. She knew what was going on.

"Open up," Minji ordered.

I did as she asked and she slid a piece of gum into my mouth.

"You need to stop drinking," Minji scolded as she started to fix up my tie.

This had become a normal occurrence. Not so much the suicide stuff.... but that whole.... saving my ass from my own self thing.

The President and I had dated for all of High School but up until 6 months ago... we broke up.

Minji broke up with me because I gave up on life. I gave up on everything and just let all my pain consume me.

I don't blame her.

She did what she had to do.

You can't hold on to a sinking ship if you don't wanna drown.

"Wanna talk about it?" Minji asked as she straightened up the rest of my uniform.

"No," I coldly responded as I took her hands off me.


I was still bitter about the breakup.

Minji was the only person who was there for me during a really rough part of my life.... and suddenly she was gone.

It didn't make it any better when she kept saving my ass from trouble.... even after we broke up.

I sighed a bit and fixed my tie. I then got up and started to walk out of the school infirmary.

"You're so damn scared of giving people second-hand trauma, that you don't fucking realize that you need to talk to someone!!" The President yelled as I walked out.

I rolled my eyes in annoyance and turned to look at her for a second. Ultimately, I chose not to say anything....

So I turned back around and kept going on my way.

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