OMG - NWJNS x Reader

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It was just another day.... you were just where you were yesterday.

As the nurses explained to you parents what was going on.... deep down a voice told you it was useless.... even if it was true... they wouldn't do anything about it.... but you knew better... you weren't crazy.

- Y/N POV -

"Y/n-ah has delusions... perhaps from prolonged isolation or neglect. Maybe even abandonment for long periods of time," The nurses explained to my parents.

I knew better though. The doctors and nurses were just trying to set me up. I knew the girls were real.

"Hey, you okay?" Minji asked as I stared blankly at my parent's trying to deny the existence of my friends.

Hanni then walked up to me and handed me a choco milk.... "I guess you're one of us now. None of our parents think there's anything wrong with us...."

"But I know there's nothing wrong with me... you're all here," I chuckled at her.

"Oh sweety," Danielle cooed at me.

"Do you wanna say bye to your parents?" Nurse Lee asked me.

"No, I'm okay!" I answered her with a fake smile.

I wasn't stupid. Why waste my breath on people who would rather I stay out in the cold than to have to show the embarrement I am to other people.

"잘했어 (Good Job)..., you don't need to fall back into those uncomfortable feelings," Haerin suddenly said patting my head.

"It's stupid... I've been here fore almost a month and I'm still being evaluated," I scoffed.

"How long have you all been here?" I asked the girls.

"Same,"... "About 2 weeks,".... "I got here when you got here silly!"..... they all answered.

"Who are you talking to?" The doctor suddenly asked, approaching from behind me.

"The girls of course!" I answered him.

"What girls?" He asked in turn.

I bit my cheek then stood up....

"I know what you're trying to do.... I'm not crazy... you can't just trick me into thinking I'm crazy!" I raised my voice at him.

"I'll prescribe you some anti-psycothics and after a few days, I'll check in on you again" The doctor guy said.

After a few days of being forced to shove pills down my throat, I felt a bit empty. I couldn't see the girls anymore. I spent all my time in my room.... in scared to face them in the hospitals community room.

Once I got the courage.... I went out... just to find out the girls had been discharged.

"Where's Hanni? Or Minji? Or Dani?" I asked the head nurse.

"Ohh sweety,".... was all the nurse could say to me.

"What about Haerin or Hyein?!" I yelled in apanic.

"Baby, they were discharged...," The sweetest nurses in the whole building finally answered me.

I trusted her. She never made me feel less than a person.

I was sadden and a bit heartbroken but it was okay... I was happy the girls got to get out these judging walls.

After a quick smack, I walked back into my room and laid on my bed.... suddenly..... a static noise came from the clock radio on the night stand next to me.

"Come in Bunny! Come in! This is Newjeans' Minji.... Do you copy!?"







Author's Note: How we feeling about "OMG"?! >.<

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