BLIND (PT . IV) - K. HR x Reader

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Haerin ended up calling Y/n's mom to let her know that she would definitely be spending the night.

Haerin felt a bit disappointed in herself about what had happened, but she was above all the drama. She just wanted to be with Y/n regardless of their past.

- Haerin POV -

"Can you hear the movie?" I asked Y/n as I laid my head on their shoulder.

Y/n and I had started to watch "Lilo & Stich".... It was a simple movie and  I was a bit afraid that Y/n wouldn't enjoy it...

But I was wrong.

Y/n knew every single line in the movie.

I could hear Y/n whispering it to themselves...

"Lilo, you lolo. Do we a lobster door?..., No we have a dog door. We are getting a dog!"

"He was an orphan and we adopt him. What about OHANA?!?"

"You like me better as a sister than a rabbit?"

"You're so silly!" I giggled as Y/n kept reciting the entire movie. 

It was a little heartbreaking to be honest.

It wasn't because Y/n couldn't enjoy the movie the same way I was or because Y/n couldn't see what appeared to be one of their favorite movies....

But..., it was because Y/n was crying.

Y/n had hardly ever shown any emotion other than positivity within the few months that I'd known them, but now.... It seemed like they couldn't control themselves.

"Baby, are you okay?" I asked as Y/n suddenly took a hard grip of my hand.

It was a little weird to realize that Y/n had asked me to be their girlfriend, but I honestly couldn't be happier about it.

It made me feel at ease to know that Y/n wanted me by their side.

"We should go to Hawaii sometime!" Y/n suddenly chuckled as they placed their arm around me.

"Yeah, someday," I shyly replied.

"Hey Siri, please read me the reviews on Hawaii!" Y/n suddenly yelled at their phone.

"Okay, here is what I found on 'The Interview' movie!" Siri replied.

"Not the interview. Reviews!!" Y/n yelled at their phone.

"Siri, please tell me the rating on Hawaii's islands!" Y/n demanded their phone.

It was kind of cute to see Y/n try, but it was also a bit nerve wrecking.

On most days, I wanted to help Y/n and make their life easier...

But at the same time...

I didn't want Y/n to feel like their life wasn't their's anymore.

"Here's some 5 stars hotel in Hawaii!" Siri wrongly answered Y/n...

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