Mariage Blanc - K. MJ x Reader

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"Are you sure you're not in love with her?" Y/n's wife asked.

"You're the only one I love," Y/n lied like always.

Y/n was trying to ignore Minji's presence from across the room.

Just like Minji was trying to not steal glances in Y/n's direction...

~ Minji POV ~

It hurt.

It hurt to see Y/n with their wife across the room.

"Princess Kim, how lovely of you to attend," The Monarch of Caelum greeted.

I gave him a respectful bow, as my husband followed.

"I happened to come across Majesty Y/n earlier in the evening. I requested a dance between you both, as you both have the same status with the kingdom people. What do you think?" The Monarch politely asked.

I gave him my softest smile, while my heart ached, asking... "What did Majesty Y/n think of the matter?"

The Monarch began to chuckle and said... "The Majesty thinks it's a great idea!"

I forced a giggle out and tried not to steal a glance in Y/n's direction.

I knew Y/n didn't really want to dance with me. Y/n had only agreed because it would have been disrespectful to refuse such a request.

Aside from it being disrespectful to a Royal Monarch, it would be disrespectful to the people. Y/n and I had been given similar titles by the people.

I was known as 'The Sweetheart of The People' and Y/n was known as the 'The Chivalrous Knight of The People'.

It only seemed right to give the people what they wanted.

"Very well, if the Majesty agreed then I would be delighted!" I tried to keep my feelings underneath my royal skin.

"Great. I will announce it in a few minutes!" The Monarch of Caelum explained with glee.

I gave him another respectful bow and he went on his way with a huge smile.

I knew he was happy to make a spectacle of Y/n and me.

"You should've refused his request. We could have danced together instead," My husband sternly spoke into my ear.

"You know that's not what he wanted," I coldly responded.

"Besides, this will bring great publicity to all our kingdoms," I glared at him.

My husband scoffed but kept up his perfect royal farce.

~ Y/N POV ~

My wife and I were peacefully enjoying our evening when the trumpets suddenly began to sound.

I took a deep breath, knowing what was to come.


The King of Caelum stepped up to the center of the room and announced, "And Now, a special performance from The Princess of Exulto and Majesty of Delicae!"

For the first time in the night, Minji and I locked eyes.

My wife walked me off to the center of the room, as Minji's husband walked her to the same destination. Our partners respectfully bowed and handed us off to one another.

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