Boss' Favorite - P. HN x Reader

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"Need you to attend the new building tour on Monday," Pham Hanni told her favorite employee.

Y/n just nodded in response.

It's not like Y/n could say 'No' to the owner of the company.

"Great. See you Monday!" Ms. Pham waved the rest of her employees goodbye and made her way home.

- Y/N POV -

"Ooohh, you get to see the new building before everyone else!" My colleague Hyein suddenly exclaimed.

"You really are the favorite!" Another colleague rolled her eyes.

I hated that rumor.

I never understood why everyone in the company thought I was Miss Pham's favorite.

"I am not her favorite," I objected like always.

I had only been in the company less than a year and I had the least experience in the industry. I didn't understand how anyone could think that I was anyone's favorite.

"Oh c'mon, she takes you to fancy investor dinners. She gives you confidential information and even hands you projects she doesn't even trust other managers with," Another colleague interjected.

It was true that Miss Pham did do all those things, but it wasn't as people saw it.

"Even if it was true, being the boss's favorite isn't a flex. There's nothing good about being handed more responsibility than others," I sighed in annoyance.

Suddenly, everyone got silent.

"Fucking thinks I'm her personal assistant or something. I got other shit to do than follow her around taking notes," I mumbled under my breath as I packed my things for the day.

"If I were you, I wouldn't be complaining," The department manager suddenly walked up behind me.

I froze for a second.

The department manager probably hated me more than anyone else in the company.

He always thought I was going to replace him.

"Sorry," I lowly mumbled in response.

"Whatever. Will you be joining us for dinner today?" The department manager scoffed a bit.

"Do I have a choice?" I raised an eyebrow at him.

"You do, but it would be very unprofessional of you to do so," He snarked.

I took a deep breath and gave him a fake smile. "Alright, then let's go!" I tried to get excited.

Before I knew it, I was trying not to get too drunk while listening to all the gossip going around the office.

"Miss Pham is dating that millionaire, isn't she?" One of my colleagues asked.

"Tf do I know?" I answered a bit annoyed.

Truth is, I did know.

Miss Pham liked me because I wasn't one to run my mouth around the office. She also liked me because I wasn't lazy. I always did more than anyone else in my department and I was one to always think outside the box.

When I first started working at the company, I liked to show my skills... but not so much anymore...

It was too much work to be depended on.

"Oh c'mon! We know you know!" The Department Manager drunkenly exclaimed.

"If you don't know, you must at least have an opinion. Do you think she's actually dating that guy?" Hyein suddenly elbowed me.

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