When I Cry (Prequel) - K. HR x Reader

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It was the first day of 1st grade and Haerin-ei was a bit nervous. She couldn't find their best friend anywhere amongst all the children and parents.

"Y/n-ei will here soon. Don't worry," Haerin's mom tried to comfort her.

The first day of school ceremony soon began and Y/n-ah was still nowhere to be found.

Suddenly, Haerin's mom got a phone call and was called into work sooner than expected.

"I promise. Y/n-ah is probably just running late or maybe their parents weren't able to drop her off but I have to go. Y/n will be here soon, okay?" Haerin's mom said in a hurry and hugged her goodbye.

Haerin was left there alone.... waiting for her best friend to show up to their first day of 1st grade.

- Y/N POV -

Mom had briefly told me how to ride the bus to school. She was too busy to take me to school now that she had a new job.

Unfortunately, I had woken up too late to run next door and get a ride from Mrs. Kang.... So now... I was lost on my way to school.

"Hey kid, your school was 5 stops back!" An ajusshi randomly yelled at me as I tried to look at the bus route to try to figure out where I even was.

"Oh, okay. Thank you!" I bowed at him before running out of the bus and starting to run down the street.

Eventually, after much help from nice strangers, I finally made it to the school.

The opening ceremony was already over and I had no idea where I was supposed to go. I started to walk about the school when I suddenly heard someone yelling and crying.

"그만해 (Stop It)!!" I heard a familiar cry.

I followed the voice of struggle to the school playground and I began to get angry once I noticed a group of boys picking on my friend Haerin.

"You must be a nobody. Only nobody's don't have their parents at the opening ceremony!" One do the boys circled Haerin.

I approached the situation to try to help Haerin out of it when one of the other boys suddenly pushed Haerin to the floor. "I told you to give me my your lunch!" The boy yelled at her.

Watching Haerin get pushed made me very upset. She was crying while these bullies just teased her as if she was an easy target.

"Pick her up," The boy ordered.

It looked like he was getting ready to hurt Haerin again and I wasn't about to allow that. To my surprise the boy that seemed like the leader of the group threw sand at Haerin's eyes.

"Yyaahhh!!!" I yelled.

The boys turned to look at me and I ran up to push them and throw sand in their faces.

"Don't make my little sister cry!" I yelled at all the boys picking on Haerin.

I pushed the boys to the floor and tried to give them a taste of their own medicine.

In the background, all I could hear was Haerin-ah crying.

"How do you like it!?!" I screamed in anger as some of the boys began to cry about the sand in their eyes.

"She's crazy, let's get out of here!" The leader of the group suddenly ordered the other boys, and they all took off running.

"Unnie!" Haerin cried out.

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