Purge II - P. HN x Reader

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The night was as usual as it could be.

You could hear bullets, screams, laughter, and pure mayhem in the streets. It was what most would expect.

Dr. Pham was doing her best throughout the night.... while Y/n stood by the door with a beer bottle in hand and a bat....

- Hanni POV -

I was worried that Y/n's heart rate would increase to dangerous levels.

With that much alcohol in their system and that much adrenaline running at the same time, I was looking for an impeding heart attack or other types of complications that came with addiction.

"Y/n, step back from the door. People are dying and I don't need you seeing that," I tried to order Y/n.

Y/n just blankly stared out the clinic's tinted doors and ignored me.

I had actually spent a lot of money on my clinic. I made sure to get bullet proof glass and tinted windows to ensure my patient's safety and privacy.

"Y/N!!" I yelled in anger.

Y/n finally turned to look at me and went back to seating on a chair in the lobby.

In all honesty, I need Y/n to last me through the night. I couldn't have them just standing front of the door waiting for some random illegal explosive to off in front of my clinic. I didn't even want them watching the carnage outside and possibly suffering a heart attack from shock.

"Is Y/n okay? They don't look good," My head nurse suddenly asked.

"Yeah, they just don't have enough appropriate balance in their head right now," I sighed out.

One of the hardest parts of my job was waging how much every single patient I had could handle physically, chemically, and psychologically. Physically the body always wanted to rest, but psychologically it wanted more.... chemically was a whole different story....

Trying to figure how much the brain needed of its substance was the hard part.

"KILL THE USELESS!!!" We suddenly heard a loud scream coming from outside my clinic.

I walked over to the door to find 7 dudes arms with firearms and illegal explosives right outside the building.

This was a usual occurrence for me.

Every year, someone would purposely attack my clinic to "cleanse out the worthless". It was a sick concept that was fueled by the government.

Basically, if you were homeless, an addict, or in the lower income bracket....

You were worthless.

I hated this concept.

I never saw my patients as worthless or less than any other human being. If anything I saw them as fighters....

I saw my patients as people who sought for a way to cope in life in order to not lose their sanity and kill themselves.

Yes, in reality... they were slowly killing themselves... but they were still fighting. They just needed a little extra push to keep going...

I didn't see is as any than going to the psychiatrist and getting prescribed medications that could have harmful side effects.

The only problem with addiction was its uncontrolled nature.

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