Kindness - K. MJ x Reader

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"And who are you to judge me?" Minji clenched her fists in anger.

"It is not a judgment but an observation. I have never seen someone show so much mercy during a full act of rage," Y/n exhaled.

Minji held her chin up high. She didn't understand why a complete stranger was coming up to her after throwing a full tantrum.

Minji was used to being criticized and judged. She was used to being blamed. She was used to apologizing.

"If you ask me, the whole world deserved to get obliterated. Yet, somehow, you managed to show restraint and compassion," Y/n almost felt enamored.

- Minji POV -

"Divert your eyes," I gave a stern order.

Fresh blood was always hard to tame, but Y/n wasn't fresh blood in the slightest. It had been eons and Y/n still didn't understand what a warrior mentality was.

"Wield your sword and get ready to attack. If I don't see a single drop of blood staining the steel, I will take away your shield. You need to learn to kill. Survival isn't just dumb luck," I glared Y/n down.

"Understood?" I coldly asked.

Y/n kept their gaze down and nodded in response.

"Are we understood?!" That wasn't the answer I was looking for.

"Understood," Y/n lowly responded.

I took a deep breath and decided to just walk away.


- Y/N POV -

I sheathed my sword and walked over to grab my shield.

Minji didn't like that I wasn't much of a fighter, but I didn't like that she was.

When I first met Minji, I was wandering about for a new place to call home. I had abandoned my sector because of their imperialistic beliefs.

I had no hope of really finding somewhere I belonged.

Every sector was bloodthirsty and did not mind committing genocide in order to gain more power.

I was basically destined to be a Martyr.

But when I stumbled upon Minji at the foot of a hill in front of her Kingdom, I thought I had finally met someone who didn't just think about killing and taking.


I sighed in displeasure, but put on my gauntlet on and carried my shield to my position.

Minji wasn't always like this.

"READY?!" Minji yelled.

"YAAAHHH!!" The army behind us responded.

As always, I said nothing.

Minji gave me her signature look to the side. She knew I didn't agree with any of this, but I stood by her side for a reason.

- Minji POV -

It always made me anxious to see Y/n not wielding their sword.

I knew Y/n did not like what things had come down to, but there is never change if there isn't sacrifice.

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