BLIND - K. HR x Reader

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Haerin was always a sweet kid. She was kind and respectful. She loved to just be herself, laugh, and enjoy everything she could in life.

Haerin was a bit different than most people. She did her best to focus on all the positive things in life but most people around her weren't like that.

Until, she met Y/n.

- Y/N POV -

I had arrived at a new school.

I wasn't too worried, I knew life constantly changed, and I couldn't avoid change. I just had to accept it.

I made my way to class as best as I could. I got lost along the way, but that was expect for my first day.

"Oh, you must be Y/n!" The teacher said once I arrived to class.

I just nodded in response.

"Just go ahead and take the empty seat next to you," The teacher told me.

I nodded in response again and took my seat.

I paid attention in class and made sure to make mental notes on the important parts.

Classes always felt long for me, but this class was so interesting that I didn't even feel time pass.


The bell rang and everyone started to leave.

I waited for everyone to exit the room then left once I felt like it was probably time for me to head to brunch.

I was always a bit awkward with people, so I made sure to stay away from them as best as I could. Specifically now that I was in a new school, I had to be extra careful.

I made my way out of the classroom and carefully made my way down to the main floor to get something to eat.

"What would you like?" The cafeteria lady asked.

"Umm, the most popular meal with a chocolate milk please!" I responded with enthusiasm.

The lady handed me my food and a milk.

I was very happy to get my food and turned to find a place to eat it at.


Someone bumped into me.

"I'm so sorry!" The person exclaimed.

I slowly dropped down to my knees to pick up my food and simply responded, "It's okay!"

I tapped on the floor until I got a hold of my food and grabbed the first item I found.

I kept tapping the floor to find my milk, but someone suddenly grabbed my hand.

"Don't do that, your milk spilled," It sounded like the person who had bumped into me.

- Haerin POV -

I had accidentally bumped into someone.

I was on my way to meet my friends for morning break, but I guess I wasn't paying very much attention.

"I'm so sorry!" I told the stranger I had bumped into.

"It's okay!" The person responded and awkwardly dropped down to the floor to pick up the food I had accidentally knocked out of their hands.

I quickly dropped to the floor myself to try to help the stranger, but...

I quick realized that this wasn't a regular situation of bumping into a random person.

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