Dancer - P. HN x Reader

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Hanni had become the captain of her dance team in her first year of high school, but this was her last year..... and unfortunately.... this year's competition had become a tough one.

Hanni realized that the same old tricks weren't going to work anymore, so she decided to recruit some veteran help.

- Hanni POV -

"We're closed!" Y/n sunbaenim said as I entered their dance studio right before they closed.

"Umm, I came to request some courses!" I awkwardly replied.

"Great, sign up at the front desk!" Sunbae coldly replied.

"Actually, I came here to see you....," I hesitantly answered.

Y/n sunbaenim had graduated from my high school two years prior.

It's not like Y/n was the captain of the dance team during their year or anything like that. Y/n sunbaenim was a pretty normal student.... but a good dancer regardless.

Sunbaenim had opened a new dance studio. Even though Y/n sunbae wasn't the top of the top when it came to dancing.... everyone agreed that they were the most creative when it came to choreographies.

"I don't teach nor dance," sunbaenim replied with a cold look.

I began to get nervous.

I was told Y/n sunbaenim wasn't too fond of new people or strangers. Sunbae was a hard person to get close to...

"Well, I know otherwise!" I answered.

Sunbaenim put the broom they had in hand down and began to push me out of their dance studio.

"I don't dance, I don't teach, and frankly I don't know you so go get whatever you need somewhere else!" Sunbaenim said as they pushed me out of the studio and locked the door behind me.

I sighed in frustration and headed home.

For the next few days, I followed Sunbaenim everywhere I could.

Yes.... it's weird.... but I was desperate.

Until one day, I caught Sunbaenim casually jamming to themselves while attempting to close the studio.

"I thought you don't dance?" I smugly asked.

Y/n sunbaenim took their headphone out and gave me a death stare.

"What do you want Pham?" Sunbae asked in a monotone voice.

"I want your help," I immediately responded.

"Why don't you ask actual dancers? Your seniors who held the same position as you? You know people who can actually help you?" Sunbae replied with an annoyed tone.

"That's because they dance to dance," I responded.

"You dance because it makes you happy," I whispered.... a bit embarrassed.

I heard sunbaenim take a deep breath before walking away.

I couldn't help but just watch them walk away.

I ended up going home, disappointed as always.

The next morning, I was waking up by my mother at around 5am.

"Someone is asking to see you!" My mom shook me awake.

I groaned in annoyance and dragged my body to the front door to see who was bothering me at such a hour.

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