Wrong Partner - K. MJ x Reader

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Kim Minji had just graduated college and moved in with her long time boyfriend.

They were both out drinking to celebrate Minji's promotion at work.

To everyone, their relationship seemed perfectly normal and healthy.... but that was not the case.

- Y/N POV -

I was walking home from a work dinner when I noticed an old classmate of mine.

"Kim Minji?" I thought to myself as I wondered if I should go say hi.

She was walking with her boyfriend so I decided it was best to not interrupt.

I kept on my way when I suddenly started hearing yelling. I turned back to look at where it was coming from and it was Minji's boyfriend.... yelling at her.

I turned back to keep walking but noticed her boyfriend began to raise his arm in the air. So, I began to walk closer to them seeing as everyone around them just kept minding their business.

"You stupid bitch!" He yelled. I rushed over and grabbed his arm before he could hit her.

"What the hell?!?" He screamed at me and pushed me.

"Who the hell do you think you are?!" He yelled at me.

I stepped in front of Minji and Him, informing him "It's a crime to assault someone."

"SHE'S MY GIRLFRIEND!!" He yelled enraged.

"Domestic violence is also a crime," I coldly responded to him.

He scoffed and spit on the floor. He then walked around me, grabbing Minji's hand and  dragging her away.

I watched them walk away with Minji turning back to look at me slightly.

I sighed and walked back home.

"I probably shouldn't have interfered," I sighed to myself as I changed into my pajamas.

"But I couldn't just stand idling by," I reasoned with myself.

It's not like me and Minji were close during our school days but we knew each other enough to greet each other in public.

I eventually went to sleep and before I knew, it was next the day. I was on my way to work but decided stop and get some coffee first.

When I entered the shop, I bumped into the very person I had been thinking about since last night.


"Oh I'm so sorry," She said.

"Oh! Y/N-ssi!" She exclaimed when she realized who she had bumped into.

I didn't respond being distracted by her facial features. The subtle yet obvious covered up bruises with make up. Her slightly plumped lip... "I knew better than to interfere," I thought to myself.

"Thank you for last night, that was a little embarrassing but we talked things out at home" She lied.

I knew better than to interfere like that... I probably made it worse.

"Anyway, nice to see you again!" Minji said with a sad smile. I gave her a nod in agreement and she went on her way.

I went through my day feeling guilty... but what can I really do about it.

The next day I had to work late. My boss sent me to go buy coffee for the whole station but when I returned, the cause of my guilty feeling was sitting there talking to my boss.

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