You Hurting, Hurts Me Pt. II - K. MJ x Reader

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After that day, Minji stuck to her promise. She left Y/n-ssi alone.

Y/n had hardly come to school ever since. If they did show up, they'd be drunk and get sent home.

It pained Minji to see Y/n have such a drastic change. To go from one of the smartest kids in the school to the worst kid ever.... it caused her a lot of pain.... and Minji knew there was nothing she could do about it.

Y/n had lost their mom.

Y/n's mom wasn't the best to begin with but she was their mom. A child needs their mom.

- Minji POV -

"MINJI-AH!!!" A yell began to echo through the school corridors.

"MINJI!! KIM MINJI!!!" The screams became louder.

I was doing my after-school president duties when a group of students ran up to me.

"President, Y/n-ssi is at the front of the school. Screaming!!!" One of the students panted out.

"Y/n?" I thought to myself before running down to the front of the school.

"MINNNNJIIII-AAAHHHHH!!" I saw Y/n yell from the front of the school.

I ran up to Y/n-ah, feeling all winded, and started to sush them.

"Stop yelling! You're not even supposed to be here at this hour!" I began to scold Y/n.

"Okay, sorry" Y/n softly replied then turned to walk out of the campus.

I watched as Y/n-ah walked away until my conscience kicked in.

"Idiot, Y/n came looking for you and you just scolded them. This is how we got in this fucking position!" My conscience began to scold me.

"Dammit!" I whispered to myself.

I then ran out of the campus and after Y/n.

"Wait!!" I yelled as I finally caught up to Y/n-ah.

"Wait! Why did you come looking for me? What do you need?" I asked as I tried to catch my breath.

"Nothing. Don't worry about it. Sorry to bother you," Y/n said with a fake smile.

"No, tell me! I wanna hear it. You obviously came to find me for a reason," I began to panic.

"Don't worry about it. It's fine, I'm fine" Y/n coldly replied then continued to walk.

This was always my problem.

I never let Y/n talk.

I get so angry that Y/n-ah doesn't talk to me but in reality, it's me who always shuts them out. I don't mean to do it on purpose... it sort of just happens.

I returned to the school to finish my duties then headed home.

On my way home, I managed to catch a particular someone buying alcohol at the convenience store down my street.

I angrily walked into the store and smacked Y/n's card out of their hands. I then took out my card and paid for it myself.

"You need to stop drinking!" I scolded Y/n as I dragged them out of the store.

"Now get home, take a shower, eat, and go to sleep. I'm tired of seeing you act like this!" I angrily ordered.

"Then be fucking tired," Y/n mumbled under their breath.

"Excuse me?" I responded as my blood began to boil.

"I said be fucking tired! If you're so tired then how the fuck do you think I feel?!" Y/n suddenly lashed out.

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