Mirror Me (PT. II) - P. HN x Reader

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"Thanks for sleeping over."

Minji had walked to school early the next day. She was excited to see Y/n in the morning, that's why she had decided not to drink on a school night.

But, she had no idea that she'd be seeing Y/n earlier than she expected.

- Minji POV -

I clenched my fists as I saw Y/n walk out of Hanni's apartment building.

""Thanks for sleeping over," Hanni told Y/n.

Y/n just nodded in response and gave her a soft smile.

Y/n wasn't much for strangers, so it was clear that Hanni wasn't a stranger. It was clear that Y/n and Hanni had some sort of history I had never learned about.

"I'll see you soon?" Hanni asked.

"Yeah, maybe," Y/n gave her their usually flirty tone, before walking away.

I was hurt.

But, it wasn't because of Hanni or Y/n's seemingly double life....

It was because Y/n was my best friend and they hadn't trusted me enough to say anything about Hanni or ditching us the night before to spend time with someone else.

I was hurt because Y/n was keeping things from me.

- Hanni POV -

"Did you get your invitation for The Academic Ball?" Danielle excitedly asked as I walked into the school.

It had been a week since the decathlon and it appeared that any student who participated in The Decathlon championship got invited to a party on a boat. Whether you were a participant or not.

"Yeah," I chuckled out.

"Ugh, think Y/n will go?" Dani rolled her eyes.

Danielle still had no idea that Y/n and I had hooked up.

She had no idea that I liked Y/n in general.

"I mean, it would be pointless if the winners didn't show up. Don't you think?" I smirked at her.

"Yeah, I guess!" Dani seemed to ease up her judgement.

It was odd though.

As much as I had liked Y/n, it didn't feel like I really liked them. At least not the side of them I saw the night we hooked up.

Granted... I was super drunk that night.... but the feelings didn't feel the same.

Maybe it had to do with the fact that Y/n wasn't being their true self or maybe it had something to do with us seeing Minji before we went to my house...

But something was off about that night.

At times, I thought maybe it was me.

Maybe I had let something slip about my tiger mom who was rearly ever home and only showed up to yell at me... or... maybe I had shown my jealousy towards Minji in some way...

But either way, it was different than what I had expected.

- Y/N POV -

"I can't believe we had to beg your mom to let you go to this," Minji huffed out as she drove us over to The Academic Ball.

"Yeah," I rolled my eyes in embarrassment.

Minji knew how my mom was. She knew that my mom always expected the best from me, but she was never there and she enever acknowledged when I actually did a good job.

"I don't get why she doesn't let you enjoy your victories," Minji kept on complaining.

"Alright, let put on some music. We don't need this same old record ruining our night before it even starts!" I tried to shift the atmosphere.

It was always the same thing.

Minji wanted my mom to see my effort, but she never did. So, Minji would spend her time complaining as if what she said would change anything.

"You're right. Just know I'm proud of you!" Minji tried to change her mood too.

Minji always did her best to encourage. She saw my potential and she was always by my side. She was in my corner when I was right and when I was wrong.

Minji saw the person I could be.

I always loved her for that...., but lately... that didn't feel good enough for me.

"I wish I was that girl from that Gucci store
She never wore any makeup
and she owns couture.
I got pimples where my beauty marks should be
I got dry skin on my elbows and knees
I never liked her,
Wanted to be like her
Hate how you look at her
'cause you never saw me
Like I was an art piece,
like I was an ordinary girl..."

Minji suddenly started singing one of her favorite songs.

The chorus of the song soon came up and I narrowed my eyes a bit at the familiar tone.

"Where have I heard this before?" I thought to myself.

"We're heeerree!!" Minji squealed as we pulled up to the pier.

Soon enough, Minji was fixing her dress and I was fixing my outfit a bit too. That's until, I noticed Hanni.

I was about to walk up to greet her, when Minji suddenly stopped me.

"Let's fix this a little bit," she started to fix the necklace on my necklace.

"And then this," she flattened out a wrinkle a bit.

"And done!" She cutely kissed my cheek.

Minji knew I wasn't as confident as I should be when it came to academics or just anything that was seen as a social or economic class, so she always kissed my cheek to cheer me up.

It always helped.

Having one of the prettiest, richest, and smartest girl in the nation as my best friend was always a confidence booster.









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