Runner Pt. I - K. HR x Reader

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Y/n had a nice gig going. She works as a bar tender who swindells the customers to keep up with her lifestyle. That is until she tries to swindel the wrong person.

- Y/N POV -

"A sumaek please!" A cute girl ordered as she sat down at the bar.

"Sumaek, darling? Can't you just make that at home? It'd be much cheaper," I snarked at her.

"Just give me my drink," She coldly responded.

"Hard day, huh?" I asked as I pour some beer in a cup then added the Soju.

"Tell me about it!" She responded with a roll of her eyes.

I served her the drink and she nursed it for a couple of hours. Meanwhile, I pick pocketed a few other customers.... some under the pretense of making out... others were simply pass out on the bar and needed to be carried out.

After she finished her drink, the cute girl was about to leave when she recived a phone call before I knew she sat back down and ordered a bottle of Soju.

I watched attentively as she kept on taking shot after shot.

"You know! I'm good at what I do! I shouldn't be treated like this!" She started loudly speaking to me.

"You make one mistake! And all of a sudden you're useless and can't do anything!" She kept on yelling... occasionally slurring her words.

"Amen, darling!" I responded as I watch her start to nod off.

While I had been watching her, I noticed she had on a gold necklace and was wearing a quite interesting ring. She was also paying with cash, which is quite unusual, but it told she probably had a bit more in her wallet than what she had spent.

"I- I- I- I'm the best det- AAHH!!" Was the last thing the poor girl could say before throwing up all over my bar.

"Alright, I'm cutting you off!" I told her as I took away her Soju bottle and snapped my fingers for the bussers to clean up her mess.

"Ughhh, I think I need to throw up again" She groaned.

I rushed over to her before she could do so again and helped her to the restroom.

"Oh my God! Thank you so much! You're so kind!" She slurred as I held her head over the toilet.

I held her hair in my hands as she just puked.

"Alright, darling... I'm going to call you a cab" I told her as she finished off her business.

"Ha- Haerin. My name is Haerin!" She slurred at me.

"Alright, Ha-Haerin. I'm calling you a cab" I answered her.

I picked her up and she rinsed her mouth then washed her hands, as I called her a cab.

"Hey?" She suddenly slurred.

"Yeah?" I responded.

"Are you going to give me my necklace and money back?" She asked stumbling her way to me.

"I don't know what you're talking about," I tried to play off.

She then put her hands on my shoulder and shook me a bit. "Don't think I didn't notice you take my necklace while you grabbed my hair or notice you sliding the money out my inner blazer pocket when you helped me up!" She yelled trying to hold her head up.

"You know! Perhaps, you'd like to take something else from me!" She slurred as she reached into her blazer and took our her wallet.

"What the fuck is she doing?" I thought to myself. I had never found myself in this situation before.

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