Older Sister - K. MJ x Reader

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Minji and Y/n had been dating for 2 years now.

Everything was going great. Y/n and Minji had a lot of fun together, but over the recent times....

Y/n found it that Minji would never stand still.

Minji would never spend more than 30 minutes to an hour with Y/n....

Y/n always wondered why...

Until, Y/n found out why.

- Minji POV -

"I gotta go!" I kissed Y/n's cheek goodbye and ran home as fast as I could.

I bit my tongue as I walked in.

"Do you not understand how that will make you look? How it will make everyone look?!" Mom yelled at Haerin.

I held in my breath and bit my tongue as best as I could.

Hyein had called me that mom was yelling at Haerin again.

Out of all of us, Haerin was the oddest one.

We were all a bit different but Haerin was the one to act different than most.

"Where have you been?" Mom turned to yell at me.... once she finally noticed me.

"I was just talking to a teacher," I answered in a panic.

I knew I was slightly lying but I couldn't allow my mothers trust to be taken from me.

I was responsible for four little sisters that had no idea how to handle life. They misbehaved and didn't understand things at times. They were so annoying and at times I wanted to just smack them myself....

But I was the eldest and I had to make sure nothing happened to them.

My sisters mistakes were now on me.

"About what?" My mom squinted her eyes at me as if skeptical of what I was saying.

"About an upcoming test. I just wanted some pointers on what to study for," I sternly answered.

I wasn't lying.

I had talked to the teacher about the upcoming test. I was getting some advice on what material to study, when Y/n suddenly showed up to my last class.

I was pleasantly surprised to see Y/n.

Y/n was the opposite of me.

While I showed up to school everyday and did everything I needed to do to get the best grades....


Well, Y/n didn't care.

I think it had something to do with the fact that Y/n's parents had told them that they weren't going to help them go to college.

Y/n was one of the smartest kids in the school.

Y/n had the best writing skills and they made the most interesting argument..... but....

I think anyone would get discouraged when being told that they weren't worth the effort...

Specifically when it was your parents.

Me, on the other hand....

I didn't have that privilege.

Y/n was the middle child, so Y/n could afford being looked down on.

I couldn't.

I was the eldest and had to set an example.

For everything.

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