Esoteric (Pt. II) - K. HR x Reader

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The breathing in the room was heavy.

There was two figures, alone in a room. You could hardly make out what they were doing, but you could imagine it.

Their proximity made them look close.

Like lovers even.

"Haerin-ah," A sulky whisper echoed through the room.

- Haerin POV -

"Haerin-ah," A soft sweet voice whispered.

Almost like moan.

I didn't know where I was or with who...

But I had a really big urge to kiss the person in front of me.

I could see their lips. Their nice plumped lips. It was all I wanted. Just a kiss.

"Kang Haerin-ssi! Hello?!" I could heard echos in my head.

"Haerin!!" I suddenly felt someone shake me.

"Huh?! What?" I abruptly jolted up.

It seemed that I had been asleep.

"I'm heading out. No more bus rides. You'll soon be stopping your work at the coffee shop too," My soon-to-be-husband coldly informed me.

I nodded in agreement, trying to hold in the contempt feelings I was hiding underneath.

"Very good," My fiancé said before taking his leave.

As soon as the sight of him was gone, I sighed out in frustrations.

Ever since the bus incident, he had become stricter about my whereabouts. Though it was my fault really....

If I hadn't been so eager to catch the bus that morning and skipped meals, then he wouldn't be so strict.

I ruined it for myself.

Still, I managed to keep him at bay.

Upon arriving to the house that day, my fiancé had been concerned about who really helped me to the hospital.

He could get very jealous about things like that, so I just waved it off to it being a "Good Samaritan".

I didn't want to tell him that his brother's intern was the one who helped.

I didn't Y/n-ssi getting fired because of my fiancé's jealousy.

Though, I never ended up seeing Y/n again after that day.

- Y/N POV -

You could hear the sound of the water hitting the shower floor...

But all I could hear was Kang Haerin-ssi screaming my name.


I hadn't been able to get her of my head, since that day.

Though, I knew. My thoughts of her were pure fantasy.

"Hurry up!!" My roommate yelled.

I had surpassed my shower time again.

"I'm shutting the water down if you don't get out in the next 30 seconds!" My roommate yelled again.

I quickly shook my thoughts away and dried myself off as fast as I could.

"I'm coming in if you don't hurry up!!" My roommate yelled through the door.

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