Not A Crime - P. HN x Reader

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Hanni Pham had just moved to a new country. She had started a new school and had started a new job.

The move was a bit hard for her, until she met another foreigner at her school.

- Hanni POV -

Me and Y/n had gotten close within the last 6 months.

We would stay together for after school activities. We would go to the PC Bang when we had spare time. We would go to the movies or have study sessions on the weekend.

I was really starting to like y/n.... in more than a friendly way.

"Hey, you wanna go to the PC Bang after school today?" I asked y/n.

"Sure, meet you there after going home to change our uniforms?" Y/n responded.

"Okay!" I said excitedly.

The rest of the day went by super slow but luckily it was over now.

I rushed home to change my uniform and said bye to my roommates.

"Get back home before curfew!" Minji unnie yelled.

"Kay kay!" I yelled back as I left out the front door.

I quickly made my way to the PC Bang. To my surprise, y/n and I made it there at the same time.

"Hey!" Y/n-ah greeted me.

"Hi!" I responded.

"You ready to lose every Apex game you join today?" Y/n teased.

"Yeah right! I think you're talking about yourself!" I teased back as we made our way inside.

"Two PCs and 2 Ramens!" Y/n yelled as we walked in.

"How many hours?" The front desk staff asked.

"Let's do 2 for now," Y/n answered knowing I have curfew on school nights.

"Here's you go, your ramen will be out soon!" The staff said handing us our play cards.

Me and Y/n-ah sat down to play. Honestly, we both sucked.... but it was okay as long as we had fun together.

Our ramen and other snacks we ordered soon came. So, we played and ate until our time ran out.

"You suck!" Y/n-ah teased as we exited the PC Bang.

I playfully pushed them and said, "You suck too!"

"And I'm proud of it!" Y/n replied making me laugh.

We started walking in the direction of my dorm when y/n randomly said....

"Hey? Do you wanna go to the sauna and relax there for a bit?"

I froze for a second thinking about how we had never really done that before.

Then, I started to blush thinking about how we would be.... nevermind.

"Okay," I shyly answered.

Y/n-ah then grabbed my hand and dragged me to the near by sauna.

Before I knew it, we were both in the water and relaxing with a bunch of ajummas.

- Y/N POV -

"You two are so cute!"..... "You're too good looking to be foreigners!"..... The local bathhouse gossiping ajummas told me and Hanni.

"Why did I suggest this?" I internally asked myself.

Hanni seemed a bit uncomfortable too. She kept getting close to me.

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