Sane - K. HR x Reader

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Doctor Y/n was a renowned Psychiatrist.

Not for being the best or for discovering a new disorder, but for being the first doctor to help the most criminally minded individuals and actually succeed.

Doctor Y/n believed that killers, cannibalism, and the most insane individuals in the world could be rehabilitated. All anyone really had to do was dig deep and really get to the root of the problem. After that came rehabilitation and human retraining.

The doctor deeply believed in their philosophy and with a lot of work... the doctor succeeded in 90% of their cases. The unsuccessful ones were either returned to their prisons or reported to the police.

Everything was going great for The Doctor and they firmly believe in their methods....

That's until, Y/n met patient Kang.

- The Doctor -

I had been working with Patient 1526, Kang Haerin, for 7 months now.

I had appealed with the prisons, courts, doctors board and everyone I could think of.... but I was denied approval to drop her case.

I saw nothing wrong with Ms. Kang.

Patient 1526 was just a normal girl who had a breakdown and made a mistake. I did not see her as a serial criminal.

I felt so mocked being handed a case of a patient who just need regular therapy.

With my constant appeals denied, I had no other choice but to work with Ms. Kang.

"And that's when you turned yourself in?" I asked for the 100th.

I was in my session with Ms. Kang. I saw her 3 times a week and it was like we talked about the same thing over and over.

It never felt like 1526 was just sticking to a well rehearsed story. She never seemed to be lying. She got emotional in our sessions. She had no narcissistic or sociopathy tendencies.

I had given 1526 every psychological exam imaginable, I put her in front of possible triggers, I had taken her to the locations of her alleged crimes, and I could never get any type of concerning reaction from her.

I say "alleged", because I had come to believe that Ms. Kang was falsely imprisoned.

"Mhm," 1526 hummed in response.

I sighed and took the same note down.

"Patient 1526 refuses to verbally acknowledge her crimes... again...,"

The first step to my methods was to get the criminals or potentially criminals to admit to what they have done or wish to do.

It was a way for me to gauge who the patients were but also a way to keep each patient to face what they had done.

Whether they believed it was wrong or not.

My rehabilitation methods took months and even years. It wasn't just my patients saying... "oh, I did this. I feel so bad!". It was months, or preferably years, of intense life and mindset changes.

But with Ms. Kang.... I got nothing... absolutely nothing.

I knew I couldn't get away from this client, so I always reminded myself... "the most sane minds can be the greatest dangers".

"Okay, guess we're done for the day," I sighed out.

Usually, 1526 would just nod when I ended our sessions... but today she didn't.

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