Lost (Pt. III) - K. HR x Reader

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"I'm lost,"

Those words were the first words Haerin ever said to Y/n.

"It's okay, we can be lost together!" Was the first thing Y/n ever said to comfort Haerin.

Y/n didn't understand that Haerin was actually asking for help at the time, so they were just being nice and optimistic.

Haerin began to cry as she curled up in front of the ocean and Y/n sat down next to her to keep her company. Even though, Y/n was a bit confused about what was going on, Y/n stayed by her side to make sure she was okay.

Eventually, Haerin didn't feel so alone, seeing that Y/n wasn't leaving her side, and they started to play a game together.

It took a bit of time for Grandma to come back from her night time job, but she came back to the beach to get Y/n, like she always did.

"Who's this?" Grandma asked, not too surprised that Y/n had made a new friend.

"She's my new friend. She said she's lost!" Y/n answered with a gleeful smile.

Grandma thought Y/n was pulling a prank on her, but soon realized that it wasn't a joke.

She noticed how Haerin's eyes were all puffy and red. Haerin was shivering as if she had been out for a long time and she was still in a bathing suit with no parents or other children in sight.

- Haerin POV -

Y/n cried in pure agony in my arms.

"How can she just leave me!?" Y/n cried out.

"I could've taken her to the hospital. I could've taken care of her. I could have been there for her. How could she just leave me like that?!?" Y/n started to scream, trying to pull away from me, but I refused to let them go.

Y/n had always made me feel like I had someone to hold or someone to talk to when I felt the most lost in life....

I wasn't about to let them go and make them feel like I wasn't there to guide them or hold their hand during such a hard time.

"It's okay," I was all I could say.

"It's no-"


Y/n was about to say something, when the front door suddenly rang.

Y/n lifted their head up from my shoulder and we looked at each other a bit confused.


Loud knocking started coming from the front door and I finally let Y/n pull away from me.

The knocking wouldn't stop, it only got louder, and Y/n finally walked over to open the front door.

"Hello, can I speak to Y/n please?" A man in a suit coldly asked. There was a petite woman next to him and I started to get a bit concern.

"Yes, how can I help you?" Y/n asked.

"We were notified by the hospital that you have a child under the age of 18 in your household. Kang Haerin. She must be taken into protective care, unless you are able to prove stability and comfortable living," The man spoke to Y/n as if they didn't like them.

"Umm, okay. How can I do that?" Y/n tried to put on a strong character.....

Kind of like how they tried to act cold and mean when I would beg them not to go back to college.

Newjeans Oneshots जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें