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Kaede Manyuda has always despised the Student Council President, and his hatred for her has grown ever since she fired him from the Student Council.

He knew that she set up everything, from Yumeko gambling against him, knowing that he'll be devoured by her. And all this was because he intimidated her Secretary, cornering her right against the President's aquarium.

It wasn't his fault though, he didn't know that she had been there as the Vice President, watching everything unfold.

Even if it was Ririka who had been behind that mask, had he known that she was Kirari's twin sister and they told each other everything, he would have not dared act so rashly.

Not that Sayaka was just Kirari's Secretary, they had made their relationship officially after the election had ended.

Kirari had said, "That's why I love you so much", to her Secretary in front of everyone, so they didn't bother to hide it any longer. Kaede knew that it wouldn't be long before that blue-eyed monster came after him again.

Evem Itsuki left him for that half-Russian lady, Miroslava Honebami. She wasn't bad looking though.

Kaede shook his head, smirking. Although Sayaka had no qualms in tasering others, she had too much respect for people who were older than her, especially those whom she was not close to. Like Kaede.

He wouldn't have to worry then.

During the lunch, Kaede approached the Secretary just as she was heading to the Student Council Room to meet up with her girlfriend.

"Kaede?" the violet-haired girl said. Despite her serious deameanour, the girl was quite naive. She didn't even suspect any motives as to why Kaede would approach her all of a sudden.

The lily necklace around Sayaka's neck glistened in the light, as if giving Kaede one more chance to rethink his decision and backed off.

"I need a moment with you, please," Kaede said. "Preferably somewhere more quiet."


The woman sat at her seat, fingers tapping on her armrest.

Where on earth did Sayaka go? She was always on time.

The Momobami Head pursed her lips together as she stood. She was never one to be patient when it came to waiting to meet someone she loved, be it Ririka or Sayaka.

The Student Council President stepped out of the room, deciding to scour the school campus to find her girlfriend.


Kaede cornered Sayaka in a desolate area of the school.


"It's all because of you," he sneered. "I lost my prestigious postition as the Treasurer of the Student Council and now I'm a pet. Even Itsuki left me."

He gripped her throat, smiling cruelly as Sayaka clawed at his hand, gasping for air.

"Die, Igarashi Sayaka."


'Something must have happened to her,' Kirari thought. 'Hm, I bet it was Kaede.'

The intelligent woman changed her direction to a desolate area of the school.


Tears sprung up in Sayaka's eyes as her vision started to black.


A familiar chuckle caused Kaede to drop his grip on Sayaka's throat, his eyes widening as they shifted to look at the figure on his left.

Sayaka's knees buckled as she collapsed to the floor, gasping desperately as air started to enter her lungs once again.

"Kaede Manyuda," Kirari said cooly. "How bold of you."

"......" the white-haired boy was stunned, his hands shaking and his mouth agape in disbelief.

His eyes followed Kirari as she knelt on the ground and swept her girlfriend into her arms, stroking her hair reassuringly.

"Shh, it's okay now, Sayaka," the Student Council President said, as her hand moved to stroke her girlfriend's cheek with tender fingers, her usual intimidating gaze turned soft.

"Kirari......" Sayaka mumbled, nestling her head on Kirari's chest as she closed her eyes and slept.

Kirari stood, eyes glowing a brilliant blue as she gazed at the marks on her girlfriend's neck.

"Take him, Katashi, we'll deal with him later."

A man around Kaede's age with red eyes and light grey hair knocked Kaede out with a single blow to the back from his neck.

"Thanks for informing me," Sayaka's third older brother said. (if you read chapter 38 of the previous work of this series, you'll know who he is hehe)

Kirari nodded before leaving.


Sayaka's eyelids fluttered open.

Her hand moved to touch her neck, which had been bandaged slightly.

A pair of arms around her shifted, pulling her closer.

"Sayaka," Kirari said, inhaling her girlfriend's scent.


"The bandages are for the marks on your neck. I had the familt Doctor come and give you a check-up, you're fine, don't worry."

The Momobami Head pressed her lips tenderly to Sayaka's forehead, smiling as her girlfriend's cheeks turned red, along with the tips of her ears.

Sayaka lowered her head back down onto Kirari's chest, nuzzling her head against her chest. Kirari stroked her hair softly, enjoying the feel of Sayaka's soft, silky hair.

"What happened to......"

"Hm, I tortured him for a while before handing him over to your siblings, they'll have lots of fun with him," Kirari mused, chuckling. "You should have fought back, my lily. Just because he was older than you didn't mean that you had to show respect to him and give in to him."

Sayaka nodded, her fingers interwined with Kirari's.

Suddenly, her head lifted to look at Kirari, whose eyes were dancing with mischief.

"Why are you speaking in past tense? My siblings didn't kill him, did they?"

"Well, who knows," Kirari replied as she captured Sayaka's lips with hers. Her eyes glowed a brilliant blue. "All I know is that for every mark on your neck, he was slashed. I did say that whoever dared to even lay their finger on one strand of your hair will meet their end."

Kirari wrapped her arms protectively around Sayaka's waist.

"I love you so much, Sayaka."

Sayaka blushed, burying her face in her girlfriend's chest.

"I love you too, Kirari, very much."

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