Pups (Part Three)

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"Shut up and let me put it out!" Mari snapped, about to throw a bucket of water over the fire. However, Sayuri's Kitsune tails instinctively swiped it away. The water poured out of the bucket as it flew and completely drenched Mari.

Mari glared at Sayuri. "You little......!"

The hotheaded toddler lunged at her cousin with the intention to beat her up and ended up being engulfed by the flames as well.

She let out a scream as her skin burned and her eyes watered.

"M-MUMMY!!!" Mauri screamed as she watched her twin sister go up in flames.


"Mauri called us!" Ririka said nervously.

"Yeah, I wonder what happened, and why is there a giant fire at the lounge——"

Mary paused and stared at Ririka, who stared back.

Mary took off running immediately.

"Mari, Mauri, I'm coming!"


Mary and Ririka bumped into Kirari and Sayaka just outside the lounge.

"Hey, what are you doing here?" Mary asked.

"Just shut up and let's save them," Kirari snapped as she rushed in.

Sayuri was crying uncontrollably and cried out for Kirari to save her.

Meanwhile, Sayaka's face started to turn pale as she saw the fire. Unbeknownst to many, the Kitsune Queen's wife had a fear of fire.

"F-F-F-F-Fire......" she stammered before her eyes rolled back and she collapsed into her wife's arms. It was clear which of her children had inherited her fear of fire.

"Oh my, I seem to have forgotten about this," Kirari sighed before placing her wife down a safe distance away. Thereafter, she magically put the fire out and quickly picked up Sayuri.

"MAMA!" Sayuri sobbed. "Fire!"

"I know," Kirari said soothingly as she petted her daughter's back.

Sayori stood over Sayaka, poking at her arm.

"Oh, mama's been knocked out," she said calmly before giggling. "How interesting."

"Indeed," Yumekui said.

"Your mama is not here?" Sayori queried curiously.

"Oh there's no need. It's just fire," Yumekui laughed.

Mauri ran and jumped into Mary's arms, unleashing a huge wail as her ears and tails trembled in petrification.

Ririka picked up Mari , who comforted her sobbing mother.

"WAAHHH......MARI......" Ririka cried. Mari awkwardly attempted to comfort her mother with comforting words. "There there, ah, mummy," she tried. "Um...it's ok..."

"Well, now that everyone's alright, except for some," Kirari said as she looked at her unconscious wife. "Why not you all tell us what happened?" She waved her hands and the room was back to its former pristine condition.


"Wow, how fun!" Yumeko giggled. "What are they being rewarded for again?"

"Well, the adults wanted to punish the kids for causing the fire, but Sayuri and Sayori gave Kirari puppy-dog eyes and now Kirari is bringing out all the kids to go shopping," Ryota sighed.

"Kirari keeps giving in to the children, they're gonna get spoilt," Mary grumbled as she held several shopping bags in her hands. "She spoils Sayaka too."

"But you guys also bought many items for Mari and Mauri," Ryota noted.

Mary turned beet red. "No we didn't."

Just then, Mauri tugged on her dress. "Mama, I want that giraffe." She pointed to a giant giraffe soft toy that was at least four metres tall.

"Sure, let's get you the panda too," Mary said as she and her daughter headed towards the store.

"I guess that's that," Ryota said as he and Yumeko observed the rest. "So what did Yumekui buy."

Yumeko smiled. "Oh she didn't buy anything, she's a good girl."

Ryota nodded and as he turned around to leave, Yumeko waved her hand to reveal a mountainous pile of items behind her that were previously hidden by illusion magic.

(And as for Yurari, she fled the scene the moment Mari was engulfed in the flames. Midari later bought her a finger guillotine.)

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