Valentine's Day (Part One)

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link to this story on ao3 is here:

"Hey everyone! Is everyone excited for Valentine's day?!" Runa exclaimed over the broadcast. "Whoever receives the most presents and votes will be declared the most popular and well-loved in the school, so cast your votes wisely! The lucky winner will also get to take a week off school; if you're a housepet, this applies to you too!"

"That's a bit extreme, isn't it?" Mary sighed.

"Well, you humans always have a flair for dramatics," Sayaka smirked as she replied, her right eye glowing. It wasn't Sayaka at all, but her alter ego, Kanako Tsuki.

"Kanako!" Sayaka chided. "And......what?! No! You can't kill anyone who gives me presents! I doubt I will get any other than from Kirari."

"Why, don't think that way," Kirari said, chuckling as she kissed her girlfriend's cheek. "I've seen many boys and girls stare at you." Her eyes glowed jealously. "I would be excited to have a 'nice' talk with those who give you presents. After all, I can't have anyone take you away from me, hm?

Sayaka blushed, burying her head in the President's shoulder for a while before pulling away. "I'll be going first." Kirari nodded.



Sayaka turned. It was a male student holding five gifts. "I heard you have a sweet tooth, so I bought you chocolates. Each is from a different country. This is from England, then France, Argentina, the United States and Italy!" He then gulped nervously. "Kanako won't......"

An evil giggle came from Sayaka as her right eye turned red, staying that colour. The boy yelped, thrusting the gifts in her arms. Sayaka waved her hand and the gifts were transported to the Student Council Lounge.

"To be honest, I've liked you since middle school, and I would really like to be your boyfriend," the male student confessed. "I'm Akira Nakamura."

"Um, but......I can't, I'm with Kirari," Sayaka said awkwardly. Did the whole school not know? Or was this boy just in denial?

The boy furrowed his brows. "I don't care about that maniac! She's actually forcing you right? Don't worry, her family isn't powerful anyway, they just do some sea trading or something, I don't really care. My main point is, my family has a powerful financial background, my father is the CEO of Société Fondement, it's a French bank. I'll protect you! My family approved of you already! They say that some Kirari won't deter them, they'll just get rid of her----"

"Oh? Is that so?" a cool, dangerous voice said. Kirari walked towards Sayaka, wrapping an arm around her waist possessively.

"Akira Nakamura, you're not very wise, aren't you? Unlike what your first name implies. 'Wisdom', not very fitting, don't you think?" Kirari said, intentionally provoking the oblivious boy. "Société Fondement, hm? Your company is under the Momobami Clan, you don't really read a lot, or you wouldn't have made the mistake of dismissively ridiculing my clan. I may not be fond of my elders, but no one is allowed to insult or downgrade my family name." Her eyes glowed, an undertone of fury in her voice. "Moreover, you're after my Secretary, whom you gladly know is my girlfriend, you really do have some nerve, don't you? There is another 'Kirari', a commoner. Kirari Kaneshiro. I bet your parents didn't know the 'Kirari' you were talking about was the head of the Momobami Clan, let me call them right now then, just to clarify with them."

Akira trembled, his face turning ashen white as he stood riveted to the ground, immobilised with fear and unable to budge an inch. The Momobami Clan Head fished out her phone, dialing a number swiftly, before placing the phone call on speaker.

"Madame Momobami!" a voice with a French accent exclaimed from the other line. "I'll get my wife right away."

It was known that Akira's father was French, who only knew a bit about the Japanese language, while his mother was a Japenese. She was a Polyglot, being able to speak French, English, Japanese, Korean, Chinese and Russian fluently. Akira took after his mother's surname, per his special family tradition.

"Madame Momobami!" a high-pitched voice said in surprise. "Is anything the matter? Do you perhaps need assistance with anything?"

"Well, it has come to my attention that your son, Akira Nakamura, has been telling you about a girl he likes, a Sayaka Igarashi, and another girl called Kirari, who is her girlfriend. I would like to inform you that the girl called Kirari is in fact, me," Kirari informed the mother calmly and smoothly. "Jus now, he dismissively ridiculed my Clan and my Clan's name, and me, to be exact. He even tried to use his status as a means to threaten my girlfriend. I wonder if this company of yours is still appropriate for me to work with. Maybe if you discipline him thoroughly, I may reconsider."

"Madame Momobami!" the voice replied, obviously distraught. "I am so sorry! I have told him time and time again about your place in this country, this world, and how he should treat you! Please forgive his idiocy and audacity! AKIRA! I know you're there! You VERMIN! You are SO DEAD once you get back!"

"But, Mama! I did not threaten Igarashi-san----" Akira started.

"It does not matter! If it was perceived as a threat by Madame Momobami, then it is a threat! Now, apologise to her and her girlfriend, and with respect!"

Akira gritted his teeth, bowing deeply. "Madame Momobami, Igarashi-san, I deeply apologise. I am extremely remorseful for my actions and will never repeat this same foolish mistake again."

Sayaka continued to stand there, stunned, as Kirari stroked her hair gently, smiling maliciously at the male student.

"Very well, I take back my consideration, I look forward to working with your company for many years to come," Kirari told Akira's mother, who sighed audibly with relief as she thanked the President profusely, lambasting her son once more before Kirari hung up.

"Now," Kirari continued. "Please get out of my sight."

Akira gulped visibly, scurrying away like a dog with its tail between its legs.

**There will be a PART TWOOOOO!!!!**

Kirasaya One-ShotsOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora