Sports (Part Three)

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"Whoa, this sports centre looks really......"

"Luxurious? Exclusive to only the top of the social hierarchy?" Kirari said.

Mary glared at her. "Whatever. Where are the others?"

Kirari smirked and snapped her fingers. A well-dressed man immediately rushed to her side, bowing to them. "Greetings, Madame Momobami, Lady Momobami, Miss Momobami, and Miss Saotome."

"Where is the rest of my assemblage?" Kirari asked. "Have they arrived before us?"

"They have," the man replied smoothly. "They are awaiting your arrival at the bar. They have drunk quite a bit while waiting."

"Those fools..." Kirari mumbled. Now they would have to play a drunk sports game. At least some of them had a high tolerance for alcohol and would still be normal.

"Lead us to them please," Ririka said.

The man nodded and guided them to  a secluded area of the sports centre. Jazz music played in the luxurious bar and there were countless Edra furniture placed in the magnificent room.

Midari and the others sat at the bar counter drinking and chatting in such a boisterous manner that all eyes were on them.

Those eyes immediately turned to the four who stepped into the room. Everyone instantly recognised Kirari and bowed.

Kirari smirked and guided Sayaka by the waist over to the bar counter.

"Hicc...hey look! It's Sayak! Sayakieee...Sayaka! Sayak—ahh...OW!" Yumemi yelped as Saori pinched her arm.

"Seems like you all are having fun," Kirari mused.

"We are!" Yumeko chirped in. "Sayaka-chan! Come have a sip! It's passion fruit!"

Sayaka's eyes sparkled at the mention of passion fruit and was about to receive the drink from Yumeko when Kirari pulled her away, eyes glowing protectively.

"Absolutely not," she said, as if she were a mother prohibiting her child from drinking alcohol.

"It's just a sip," Sayaka tried. However, her puppy dog eyes simply did not work this time. It seemed that Kirari was dead-serious.

"I'm afraid not darling," Kirari replied as she kissed Sayaka's cheek. "Alcohol isn't suitable for minors."

"M-Minors?!" Sayaka exclaimed in utter disbelief. "You're a minor too! Yet you still drive and drink——" Sayaka let out a startled squeal as Kirari captured her lips with hers to quieten her.

"You—!" she grumbled. "This isn't about me being a minor is it? It's because I'm drinking from Yumeko's cup and not yours?"

"Touché," Kirari chuckled. "Sharing a drink with Yumeko is the same as kissing her. Moreover, I can't allow your first sip to be stolen by you sharing a drink with someone else. Hence, it is strictly forbidden."

Sayaka nearly punched herself at her fiancée's blatant display of possessiveness.

"Bring me a glass of what she has please," Kirari said to the bartender.

A few minutes later and Sayaka finally had her first sip of alcohol.

Her eyes widened and she let out a small noise of surprise.

Kirari watched her with endearing eyes before she quickly took the drink away just as Sayaka was about to take another sip.

"That's enough for today," Kirari said gently. "In fact, for the rest of your life."

Sayaka glared at her and pouted.

Meanwhile, Midari was getting bored. Not only did she have to deal with Kirari and Sayaka's PDA, but they weren't even engaging in the sports match they were promised.

Grabbing her best friend's arm, Midari dragged Sayaka out.

"Let's gooo!" she cackled as she headed for the sports area.

Even if Kirari killed her for snatching Sayaka away later, at least she fulfilled one of her lifelong goals.


"What the——there's a fucking beach outside?!" Mary shrieked.

"Language," Kirari sighed. "And yes, there is. It appears Midari wants to play beach volleyball."

"Alright! I choose Sayaka!" Midari cackled, pulling her best friend close to her.

"Excuse me?" Kirari growled as her eyes glowered at the masochist. "Sayaka is mine."

"W-What...I..." Sayaka stammered. Her eyes flicked over to Kirari. It was evident that she wanted to be with her fiancée, but the esteeming grip of her best friend prevented her from doing so.

Just then, the group was interrupted by several men. More specifically, teenage boys the same age as them.

They were shirtless and barefoot, with some wearing caps on their heads. Kirari immediately crinkled her nose in disgust at the sight of men. The rest of her assemblage, excluding Yumeko, Ryota and Kaede, also seemed to share the same sentiment.

"Hey there!" One of the boys wearing a cap called out. "Why not we join you? Half of us boys versus half of you girls. Then we switch and take turns."

"Tch, they obviously don't know who we are," Yumemi scoffed.

"Well nobody knows who you are, that's for sure," Kaede huffed. "But it is a little surprising that they don't recognise Kirari."

"Heh, they probably weren't listening when their parents were telling them who to watch out for," Mary sighed.

"Not interested," Kirari stated nonchalantly.

"Oh c'mon! Don't be like that!" the boy said. "I see you have a cute friend over there." He pointed at Sayaka, who finally had wrestled herself out of Midari's grip.

"Oh man, she's adorable," another boy said as he bent down to Sayaka's eye level. "How about this? If we win this game, she's coming with us."

"Oh?" Kirari chuckled as her eyes glowed. "You want to make a bet?"

She pulled Sayaka close to her by the waist while staring at the boys intensely, making them waver slightly in their confidence. She was a skilled intimidator and did not have any qualms about challenging those seemingly (physically) mightier than her.

"If we win, I get to do whatever I want with each and every one of you," Kirari said, smirking. "How about that? Or are you all too afraid?"

She had cleverly made a jab at their manly egos and won them over.

"Deal," the boy with the cap said. "Just don't cry when you get defeated by the mighty Daisuke Fukunaga."

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