Ice Skating (Version Two)

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ahem, the version where sayaka can skate and kirari can't really skate

or more like sayaka is a figure skater

"Hey, why not we go ice skating," Midari said as she and Sayaka hung out in the Student Council Lounge.

Sayaka shot her a stern look. "No, Midari." Her cheeks started to tint pink as she thought of what Kirari might do when she finds out.

Midari scoffed. "You're scared about Kirari's reaction. What's the big deal, anyway. You do figure skating, end of story."

"It's not that!" Sayaka protested. "W-What if Kirari can't skate? I can't make her feel bad......"


"I can't turn down an offer to go ice skating either," Sayaka admitted in defeat. Midari let out a roar of laughter. "Yippee! Let's go then! Go get your own skates and bring them. We can skate together."

Sayaka glared at her. "You are not going to try to make her jealous."

Midari shrugged, grinning. "Well, she'll already be once she finds out that we're ice skating partnersssss!" she sang as she leapt around the room in anticipation of being killed by the President.


"Ice skating," Kirari repeated. "Well, I suppose I'm decent at it. Why?"

Sayaka fidgeted with her hands as an adorable blush spread to her cheeks and the tips of her ears. "Well, M-Midari wants us to go ice skating with her."

"And you're going? My, my, I didn't know you knew how to ice skate."

"I-I do!" Sayaka said. "Midari just wants bonding time with everyone, I guess."

Kirari hummed as she caressed Sayaka's cheek before giving her a peck on the tip of her nose. "I'll go then. Can't disappoint you, can I?"

Sayaka buried her head in Kirari's shoulder. "No," she responded timidly.


Kirari had never seen Sayaka so eager to do something before. She watched as her Secretary's eyes lit up when they arrived. A soft blush covered her face and she started to smile excitedly. Her grip on Kirari also tightened.

"It's been so long......" Kirari heard her mumble.

The moment they arrived, Kirari was surprised to see that Midari and Sayaka had their own skates. The blades were advanced figure skating blades, with larger toe picks for precise toe spotting, straight cut picks and stainless steel runners to holds the edges longer.

Everyone watched as Midari dragged Sayaka into the rink first.

"Midari!" Sayaka argued. "I don't want to go first!"

Midari sat down on the ice in a gangster-like manner. "Good luck."

Sayaka exhaled in frustration before making slow movements around the rink. she inhaled deeply before jumping into a flying camel spin before bringing it into a sit spin. She then released it and resumed moving around but at a faster pace.

Runa cackled at Kirari's shocked expression. "Yo, President, you didn't know that Sayaka was a figure skater? Nyahaha!"

"What the fuck did she just do?!" Mary exclaimed.

Yumeko giggled. "That was a flying camel spin. The flying camel consists of a jump from a left forward outside edge, about one revolution in the air, with the landing executed in a camel spin. After she did that she brought it into a sit spin. A sit spin is done in a sitting position with the body supported by the leg that controls the spin as the free leg extends beside the bent skating leg."

Mary stared at her. "And how do you know about all this?"

Yumeko's face darkened. "Ryota showed me a video of Sayaka skating with someone. His sister skates, so he knows a few things and explained it to me."

"Yumeko, the 'someone' is Midari. They're skating partners----" Ryota added.

"Who? I actually can't remember if I even saw Sayaka skating with anyone," Yumeko chuckled. Mary sighed.

Meanwhile, Kirari's eyes were glowing. They were ice skating partners? She was snapped out of her thoughts when Sayaka did another camel spin and pulled it into a doughnut spin into a camel spin and back into a sit spin.

Thereafter, she skated around again before doing two triple axels.

"Midari! Are you starting or not?" she called out to her friend.

Midari grumbled as she got up. The two then proceeded to do a death spiral, throw jumps and twist lifts.

Before long, they got tired and decided to take a break.

Kirari went over to her girlfriend. "Ara~ you never told me that you were a figure skater." She cupped Sayaka's face in her hands, her eyes glowing possessively.

Sayaka blushed furiously. "Um...I..."

She was caught off guard when Kirari captured her lips with her own.

They pulled away from each other after a few minutes. "K-Kirari! Not in public!" Sayaka stammered as she buried her head in Kirari's shoulder.

A few more hours passed and they headed home.

"So......Sayaka and I are the best partners, eh?" Midari said.

Kirari glared daggers into her soul as she held her sleeping girlfriend in her arms. "Say what you wish, but Sayaka is mine, body and soul. And that beautiful mind of hers."

"Yeah, yeah."

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