Animal Love (Part Two)

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Ririka gasped as her twin sister returned home. In Kirari's arms was a cat, with violet fur.

"R-Rari......" Ririka stammered, gesturing to the animal in her sister's arms. Kirari watched on with amusement, the corner of her lips curling into a smirk. "Is anything the matter?" the Momobami Clan Head asked slyly.

"That...thing..." Ririka continued anxiously. "Where did you find it? It's obviously...not...a normal..."

Kirari hummed. "Indeed."

Thereafter, she headed upstairs to her room, her sister hit on her heels; or tail, if you may.

"W-Wait! Are you actually going to take care of it...or...?!"

Kirari used her powers to clean the cat before placing it on her bed under the blanket. "Oh? You want me to leave it abandoned in the wild? I didn't expect you to be so cruel, dear sister."

Ririka scowled. "You know that's not what I meant. That cat is obviously not normal, it could survive on its own, you know."

"I'm keeping it," Kirari said with a tone of finality in her voice. There was also something else. Ririka's eyes widened as she realised what it was. An undertone of possessiveness. Or was it merely just protectiveness?

Ririka nodded meekly before exiting to her room.

It was time to sleep.

Kirari slid under the covers and pulled the sleeping cat onto her chest, running her fingers through her silky fur.


Kirari woke up the next day. Around 4am in the morning, the cat seemed to become heavier and bigger. She couldn't sleep due to her excitement of finding out what had happened.

As she opened her eyes, her jaw dropped in disbelief.

In the place of the cat was a girl. She had the same violet hair as the cat's fur and seemed to be one year younger than Kirari. She lay bare, snuggled comfortably next to the Clan Head.

Kirari's open mouth slowly turned into a smirk. 'Oh my, how utterly fascinating,' she mused, chuckling quietly to herself.

Just at that juncture, the girl stirred. Kirari watched in intrigue as the girl's eyelids fluttered open, revealing two gorgeous violet orbs. The mysterious girl groaned softly as she awoke, her gaze moving up and landing on......

......the girl let out a squeak, jolting up and backing away from Kirari, her face turning beet red as she realised she wasn't clothed; her bare chest and stomach completely exposed to the Momobami Clan Head.

As she opened her mouth to speak, Kirari heard the most beautiful and adorable sound she had ever heard.

" am I...who..." the girl stammered incoherently.

Kirari smiled mischievously as she shifted closer, cupping the girl's chin in her palm.

"Now, now, is that any way to greet your saviour?"

The girl let out another squeak, which Kirari found incredibly winsome.


Kirari hummed. "I did rescue you from the woods yesterday and healed you. I even cleaned you up."

The girl flushed even more as Kirari's eyes raked her bare form. She wrapped the covers around herself, looking away hurriedly.

This earned a laugh from Kirari. "Oh my, you didn't actually think I unclothed you, did you? I simply used my powers to do so." She tapped the tip of the girl's nose lightly. "You were the one who chose to change into this form at 4 in the morning, causing me to feel a sudden weight on me, and not wearing any clothes, hm?"

Steam could practically be seen coming out of the girls ears as she froze.

Kirari took this golden opportunity to gaze at her features. The girl was a natural beauty, her face free of make-up. Kirari's eyes traced the soft outline of the girl's features. Unknowingly, her hand had moved to gently caress the girl's cheek.

The girl squeezed her eyes shut as she let out a small whimper.

This seemed to bring Kirari back to her senses.

The Clan Head got out of bed, striding over to her walk-in wardrobe. "Stay there," she said. "I'll find some clothes for you."

The girl nodded nervously before sinking back onto the bed.

Kirari watched amusedly as the girl fell asleep once more, her light snores filling the room.

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