Experiment (Part One)

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Our favourite quartet decide to conduct a little experiment. Since Ririka and Sayaka are quite similar in many ways, they are going to spend e day together, while Kirari and Mary spend the day together, and they'll see how it turns out


Our favourite characters conduct a foolish experiment


Kirari, Sayaka, Ririka and Mary sat in the living room of the Momobami estate, enjoying their teatime when Kirari'a eyes suddenly brightened. Turning to her wife, she let out a small gasp of excitement.

Before she could say anything, however, Mary butted in.


Kirari blinked. "I beg your pardon but I was about to talk to Sayaka and not you. Moreover, I haven't even spoken yet."

"Yeah well, I always seem to be dragged into your antics. Intentional or not."

"Well, this one is intentional," Kirari chuckled. "You know how we've always said that Ririka and Sayaka are pretty similar? What better way then to test it out?"

Ririka frowned. "What are you planning this time?"

"You and Sayaka can spend the day together, while I spend the day with the vacuous cretin."

"Hey!" Mary said.

"That doesn't sound too bad," Sayaka commented.

"That's because you got the more decent twin!" Mary snapped.

"That's rude! I would rather be with Kirari! No offense, Ririka," Sayaka protested.

"Hm, just take it as a little experiment," Kirari hummed before she smirked at her sister. "So what do you say, Ririka?"

Ririka huffed. "Fine."

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