Sports (Part Six)

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Sayaka turned to grab her phone as it rang, ignoring Mary's incessant complaints on why her Vaquitas hadn't shown up yet.

"Hello?" Sayaka said.

"Um, Lady Momobami, there seems to be a problem," the person on the other end said. "The bank account that you and Madame Momobami share has just been transferred approximately 600 billion yen."

Sayaka blushed, still not used to having Kirari's  surname. They were technically still engaged after all. It took a few seconds for her to process the rest of the person's sentence. Her face paled and her mouth opened slightly in shock.

"E-Excuse me? 600 billion yen?!" she stuttered, ending her last few words in a shriek.

"That was my reaction too," the person sighed. "It doesn't seem to be fake money so someone must have given you and Madame Momobami a generous amount of money, not that it's a lot to Madame, of course, but——"

The rest of the person's words were drowned out and the gears in Sayaka's mind started to turn rigorously.

600. Billion. Yen. She shook her head in bewilderment. How was this even possible? Did someone owe her money? But she didn't even gamble! She did lend a few of her friends money, but she would never lend them such a big amount. Was it a prank? The person at the bank confirmed that the money wasn't fake though......

An image of Kirari smirking flashed in Sayaka's mind, followed by what she had told her before she left with Ririka for the courtyard.

"I'm going to make them pay, darling dearest," Kirari chuckled as she pressed her lips to Sayaka's temple endearingly. "Don't faint when you receive a call, which I can predict will be startling. It is as real as it gets. Perhaps you could buy some accessories with this surprise."

"K-K-K-K......" Sayaka stammered as her brain short-circuited. Mary caught her as she collapsed from shock and took her phone.

"Uh hello? I don't see why getting money is a problem. Eh call later bye," she said nonchalantly before hanging up.

She left Sayaka lying there and retrieved the remote control, sighing when Sayaka's Vaquitas were being introduced. Right after she fainted.

Oh well. At least she could watch her gaming show now.


"Mhm, these smell fresh," Kirari chuckled. "So fresh I can smell them from outside the box." She held a box of financiers in her hands delicately. Sayaka had ordered these a few days ago and it took quite some time, being a specia request. It was a Lily financier, something created specially for her and Kirari. Money wasn't a problem. They did own the famous Japanese patisserie chain after all.

"Can I have one?" Ririka asked, gazing at the box curiously.

"Hm, fine," Kirari sighed before her lips curled into a smirk. "Only if you gamble with Rin in my place next week. He proposed it, and he's not even worth my time. Besides I promised to try some on my beloved and I can't exactly let her down, can I?"

Ririka flushed furiously. "You...! You didn't have to tell me that! Mary and I have already walked in on you two for more than 10 times! You guys do it everywhere! I go to the kitchen for a drink and you're fucking her and putting ice cubes in her!"

"Oh my, such crude language from you, Mary must be getting to you," Kirari laughed. "The funniest was when you walked in on us in the dining room. I was drinking some miso soup with seaweed and tofu and you just fainted on the spot!"

"Well the miso soup you were drinking was from Sayaka's......" Ririka let out a squeal and shook her head vigorously, speeding off. "Just shut up!" She yelled as she ran.

"You better go on a vacation elsewhere with Mary!" Kirari called. "I'm planning on having Kake Udon next week! Perhaps even some sushi!"


Ririka burst into the living room, face red with embarrassment and sweaty from running.

"Hey hey what happened?" Mary said as she got up from her seat on the couch.

"I-It's a long story..." Ririka mumbled as she rested her head on her partners shoulder. "I'll t-tell you when w-we are a-alone..."

"Ara~ what happened here?" Kirari said as she placed the box of priceless financiers on the coffee table and sat beside her unconscious wife. Her pulled her partway up, holding her in her arms and kissing the top of her head.

"Really, I told you not to faint and you did," Kirari mused. "You're so cute."

"Hey what's up with the 600 billion yen?" Mary wondered aloud.

"Oh that, those men endured far worse than just some cash," Kirari hummed. "Their mental states might take something time to recover. In the meantime, we should rent out the whole beach next time. I can't stand the idea of meeting another group like them again."

Well, at least that was one thing they could all agree on.

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