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Summary: In which Kirari makes a promise to Sayaka that she'll find her in their following reincarnations before she (Sayaka) dies.


Kirari dashed past the flames, not bothering as the embers fell on her body. She was a demon, for God's sakes.

Her wife lay on the ground a few metres away, still and seemingly lifeless, with a pair of wings beside her, her back bloody and bruised.

Kirari took her desperately into her arms, silently cursing the humans that did this.

"Sayaka," she whispered softly as she caressed her wife's back with tender hands and joined her wings with her back.

Sayaka's eyelids fluttered open slowly and she let out a pained gasp, clutching Kirari's clothing.

"Kirari," she whimpered in agony.

"I'm here."

Sayaka smiled sadly at her. "I'm sorry."

Kirari felt a tear slip down her cheek as she replied, "It is I who should be sorry. I failed to protect you."

Sayaka hummed softly and nuzzled her head against her wife's body comfortably.

Kirari pressed their lips together before resting her forehead on Sayaka's.

"I love you Kirari," Sayaka said after a while, feeling herself start to slip away.

Kirari's grip on her tightened. "I love you too Sayaka."

She released a shaky breath before making a promise to her wife.

"I'll find you," she promised. "In our next lives, I'll always find you. I promise."

Sayaka nodded and smiled before closing her eyes once more.

She didn't open them again this time.


Hyakkou Academy Universe

"Igarashi Sayaka?" Kirari repeated.

Kirari's twin sister nodded. Her name was Ririka and Kirari had grown to like her.

"She applied for the position of your secretary and......I know this is going to sound crazy, but there was a brief moment where she saw through my facade. She had a hunch, a creepily accurate hunch that it wasn't you interviewing her. She started to cry when she saw me too, for some reason. I——"

Kirari was too caught up in her own thoughts to continue listening. Sayaka. Sayaka was here so coincidentally. Her Sayaka. Her angel. Her wife.

"I'll accept her application," Kirari stated.

"W-What?!" Ririka sputtered. "She—She's dangerous! Not even Grandmother could tell us apart, yet she, an outsider—"

"Precisely why we need her. She'll be an incredibly valuable asset. Her intelligence, her brilliant logical mind that knows no bounds......fascinating, is she not?"

Ririka sighed. "I guess......"


Kirari sauntered eagerly towards Sayaka's classroom.

'My Sayaka, I'm coming.' she thought as a warm feeling blossomed throughout her body.

Sayaka had cried when she first saw "Kirari", which meant that her memories from her previous life were not lost.

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