Valentine's Day (Part Four)

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"Move in with me, Igarashi Sayaka."

Sayaka stared at her girlfriend, gaping openly before she staggered backwards, trying to digest her girlfriend's words.

"H-H-Huh......?!" she stuttered, letting out a winsome squeak. "I'm s-s-sorry? D-Did I hear you wrongly? Y-You w-want me to move in!"

Kirari raised her brow as she stalked closer, wrapping her arms around her girlfriend. "Indeed. Is that ever so surprising?"

"N-No...well...I-I certainly didn't see this coming," Sayaka replied, still bashful. "And...a-aren't we moving t-too fast?"

Kirari paused before answering. "Well, no. You see......" she turned Sayaka around to face her, cupping her face tenderly with her hands. "I do see myself with you in the future, I really do, Sayaka. I see us getting engaged, getting married and even having children together, if I do say so myself. So, why not you move in with me so you can adapt faster? That way, when we get married in the future, you already know this place like the back of your hand."

Sayaka turned even redder than before, if that was even possible. She slowly buried her head against Kirari's shoulder, a swirl of thoughts gathering together and bombarding her mind all at once. She repeated Kirari's words, envisioning them one by one. Finally Kirari obtained a weak nod from Sayaka. "Good," she said, chuckling. She tilted Sayaka's chin up to face her. "Welcome home then, Momobami Sayaka."

The President's eyes danced with mischief.

Sayaka let out a squeak, barely able to comprehend what her girlfriend had just said a second time before her body went limp. Her knees buckled and her face turned red. She let out a soft whimper as her head rolled back and she crumpled forwards into her lover's waiting arms.

Kirari smiled amusedly as she swept Sayaka into her arms, bringing her back into the estate and into her room's bathroom. Not that she never saw her girlfriend bare before.

Kirari helped to bathe Sayaka before clothing her and laying her on the bed. She slid under the covers beside her, enveloping her into her arms.

'She's going to freak out when she wakes up and sees all this,' Kirari thought excitedly as her eyes glowed a brilliant blue. 'I can't wait to see those beguiling expressive features of hers when she does.'


(Sorry, this is quite short, hopefully part five will be longer hehe)

~your author signing out~

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