Sports (Part Four)

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"Kirari Momobami, pleased to make your acquaintance," Kirari said smoothly.

"Hardly," Ririka added.

All the boys behind Daisuke paled, as if they knew exactly who Kirari was, but kept their mouths shut.

"Tch, whatever. Let's go!" Daisuke demanded. He gestured for a few boys to form a team with him, while Kirari called Ririka, Midari and Miroslava.

Beach volleyball typically only had two players per team, but no one cared.

While they were forming teams, Kirari noticed Daisuke eyeing Sayaka's skirt. Her expression darkened and she pulled Sayaka in by the collar and captured their lips in a long passionate kiss.

Sayaka squeaked in surprise before relaxing as she closed her arms around Kirari's neck.

They pulled away, both panting for breath.

" shouldn't be wasting...your energy......" Sayaka panted.

"Hm," Kirari hummed as she kissed the side of her head. "Wish me luck."

Sayaka pursed her lips. "Good luck?"

Kirari shook her head and pointed at her cheek, eyes glinting.

Sayaka blushed and looked around. "Not now!" she whispered.

"Oh? We just kissed in public and now you don't want to give me a small peck?"

Steam could practically be seen coming out of Sayaka's ears as she leaned forward and gave Kirari a soft kiss on the cheek.

"What the..." Sumeragi exclaimed. "They're dating?!"

"For the last time, yes! In fact, they're engaged! How many times does it take for it to get into your puny brain?!" Yumemi snapped.

"Watch it," Miroslava warned dangerously as she wrapped her arm around her girlfriend's waist.

Yumemi hissed at her, the two of them behaving very much like animals before their respective partners pulled them away from each other.

"You think they'll be okay?" Ririka asked nervously as she watched Kirari and Sayaka.

"Not sure," Mary sighed. "I'm more worried about you."

"Me?" Ririka said as she tilted her head in confusion. "Why?"

Mary grimaced as she thought back on her girlfriend's timid nature. How was she supposed to play a fierce match of beach volleyball?

"Ah...never mind."

'Come to think of it, both twins don't seem really athletic, other than their bodies...' Mary blushed and shook her head. 'Gah! What am I thinking? Will they be able to hold their on though?'


"Ugh!" Daisuke gasped in exhaustion. Only a few minutes had passed and the opposing team was winning by a landslide. They were extremely formidable, especially those two grey-haired girls, who moved in perfect synchronicity and striked the ball back at them in dominating power and scary accuracy.

"Oh my, I'm starting to get bored," Kirari sighed. "If Sayaka's future wasn't at stake, I would've just quit this game already."

The men on the other team grit their teeth in frustration. So far the score between Kirari's team and their team was 23-0, an impressive feat in itself.

"Quit jabbering! We're going to win this thing," Daisuke snarled. "And I'll have fun seeing your face when I kiss your precious partner."

Kirari's eyes glowed at this threat. "Oh? Kissing my Sayaka?"

The rest of her teammates shuddered.

"You're going to regret this, you classless pansy. I'm going to have you and your boys pay through your noses for this."

"Bring it on!" Daisuke roared, prepared to battle——

Kirari casually strode off.

Her teammates stared at her in disbelief.

"Hey! What the hell?! Where are you going?!" Midari yelled.

Everyone watched as she stopped in front of Sayaka.

"I need another one," she said gleefully.

Mary groaned as Sayaka gave Kirari another peck on the cheek. "Seriously?!"

"Apparently it gives her energy," Ririka sighed. "You'll see later."


"And the score is 54-0!" Runa announced. "Ehehe...great job Prez!"

The men in the opposing team lay on the floor in defeat, some of them were even knocked out, with bruises on their body and ball marks on their backs. In short, they were completely and thoroughly wiped out.

Kirari had been absolutely ruthless and merciless the moment she came back from getting her kiss. Even Ririka couldn't keep up with her before she got her own kiss from Mary.

Midari sat on the floor, fatigued. "Who knew those two could play so well?!"

"They may look fragile and all, but they've won many...stuff for their athletic abilities," Miroslava chipped in.

"It's also how I keep Sayaka satisfied every night," Kirari chuckled.

"Oh god! Not now!" Mary grumbled.

"Well, mornings are fine too I suppose. In fact, any time of the day is fine, but we still prefer the night," Kirari continued as her mind started to fill up with images of her beloved fiancée. "Oh, look who's here."

The Supreme Leader opened her arms to welcome her lover, who rushed towards her.


"Sayaka," Kirari said as she embraced her lover and inhaled her sweet scent.

"I was so worried!" Sayaka cried, looking extremely adorable as she did. "Thank god you won!"


"There they go again," Ririka sighed as her sister and her partner kissed each other.

"Great, now we should call these guys an ambulance and go home," Mary said.

"Not yet," Kirari reminded her. "After all, we still have punishments to carry out."

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