Valentine's Day (Part Three)

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Yumeko's pupils instantaneously became extremely small in size as she digested the President's words.


"You heard me," Kirari stated coolly. "Now leave."

"PRESIDENT! You can't! I MUST gamble! How about we gamble in a game of change poker? You played that game against the Vice-President and Mary and you won, right?! How about if I win, you can't revoke my gambling rights, but if you win, you are allowed to, and I won't touch Sayaka-chan again?! Please?!"

"I already said what I wanted to say," Kirari replied coldly as she pulled Sayaka even closer to her, her eyes glowing possessively. "You may leave. And don't bother trying to ask Sayaka for help, my decision is final."

Yumeko's figure slumped as she trudged out of the Student Council Lounge dejectedly.

Runa cackled, "Nyahaha! You really got her good, President!"

Kirari hummed, intertwining her fingers with Sayaka's.

"Runa, when will this Valentine's Day Competition be over?" Kirari asked.

"We'll finalise the results by the end of this week in the afternoon," her fellow Student Council member replied before resuming eating her lollipop.

Kirari hummed once more. "Tell everyone that they may leave their presents for the Student Council members in the Student Council Lounge. Sayaka and I will be heading out."

Sayaka spluttered, blushing heavily as her girfriend lead her out of the room, and out of the Academy.


They arrived at the rooftop, where a helicopter with the Momobami Clan Crest waited for their arrival.

Sayaka held on to Kirari as the strong wind caused their hair to whip around them.

As Kirari helped her into the helicopter, Sayaka couldn't but ask where they were going.

Kirari smiled mysteriously. "You'll see."


Upon arrival, Kirari unbuckled her seatbelt and turned to Sayaka, laughing out loud when she realised that she had fallen asleep.

During her first helicopter flight, she was so terrified by the loud noises and flying in the air that she could barely blink. Yet, this fascinating girl managed to sleep soundly on her first time in a helicopter.

'How utterly intriguing, as always,' Kirari thought, musing. She had to shake her girlfriend awake before she finally woke up. In contrast to the Momobami Clan Head, Sayaka was a heavy sleeper.

Sayaka groaned as she woke up, mumbling something about "five more minutes". However, when her eyelids fluttered open and she saw herself face-to-face with Kirari with their noses almost touching each other, she let out a high-pitched squeal.

Kirari started to laugh, her laughter wracking her body. Sayaka pouted as her face turned beet red. "Y-You're laughing at me!"

"My apologies," Kirari said after pulling herself together, which took quite some time. She helped her girlfriend down from the helicopter before pecking her on the cheek as an apology. "You're just so cute." She watched in amusement as Sayaka clenched her fists to stop herself from short-circuiting.

Thereafter, Kirari led her to the entrance. "Welcome to the Momobami Clan Estates."


Sayaka marveled at the architecture. It was traditional on the outside, but the interior was so technologically-advanced.

Kirari led her to a room twice the size of a normal master bedroom. "This is my room," she said. "Ririka's room is beside mine. Her room used to be as small as 12x24, but after I ousted the Elders, well, I could give her whatever I wanted." Her eyes softened as she spoke of her twin sister, which rarely happened, except when she was arounf her Sayaka and Ririka.

Kirari held her hand and led her into her room. There was a thin reactangular-sized aquarium that stretched from one wall to another continuously, a plethora of multi-coloured fishes swimming inside. In the middle was a ginormous bed, with a nightstand and lamp on each side.

Kirari observed her girlfriend as she felt the bed. It was perfectly soft and her hand literally sunk into the duvet. She smiled as she looked up at Kirari, who returned her smile.

Their next stop was Kirari's bathroom. It was twice the size of a standard communal bathroom. The inside was absolutely luxurious, it had a bathtub the size of eight normal bathtubs as well as a showerhead. The walls were curved in a circular shape where the showerhead was located. Even the sink was lavish. It was pure white and obviously extremely well-maintained. The tap was rose-gold and even the soap bars were brand new and circular in shape.

Sayaka was in awe. Her family was extremely rich as well, but not as insanely affluent like Kirari's.

Kirari smirked as she admired her girlfriend's expressive features.

After a while, she moved on to show her girlfriend different parts of the estate.

"Where's the other branches?" Sayaka queries after a few minutes.

"Hm, after we evicted the Elders, our businesses prospered even more due to out more modern ways of thinking and innovating. We acquired even more land space, so, each branch has its own land now. This whole area belongs solely to Ririka and I."

"I-Including the courtyard and the l-large gardens a-a-and the h-hills and the moors......?" Sayaka stammered in disbelief.

Kirari chuckled and kissed the tip of her nose. "Yes, my love, even those."

Sayaka turned red again, her blush spreading from the back of her neck, to her cheeks and to the tips of her ears.

"You're really so adorable you know," Kirari teased as she ran her fingers through Sayaka's silky side ponytail. Sayaka hummed contentedly. That is, until Kirari said something truly unexpected.

"Move in with me, Igarashi Sayaka."

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