Escape Room (Part One)

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!Happy April Fool's!

"Alright, who was the fool who suggested we go to an escape room?" Mary grumbled.

"But Mary-chan, wouldn't it be so exhilarating when we get stuck?" Yumeko asked before giggling. "Oh wait, we are!"

"Please lower your voices," Sayaka said. "I'm trying to focus here."

Kirari stood beside her, helping to lift up her hair while she attempted to fix some complicated puzzle that required a high intelligence.

"Take your time darling dearest," Kirari cooed, kissing her wife's cheek.

"Yuri and Yori are waiting for us, I have to hurry," Sayaka grumbled. Their children were currently being held captive by the unknown person who trapped them in the escape room in the first place.

"Oh yea, Mari and Mauri are waiting too!" Ririka exclaimed, starting to panic.

Her twin daughters were quite impatient when it came to waiting. Especially Mari, who had Mary's character and stubborn yellow eyes.

"Done!" Sayaka gasped. "Now the next puzzle."

Mary squinted. "I don't see any——"

The ground started to tumble.

Kirari quickly grabbed her wife and pulled her close in case as the floor started to open up.

Everyone backed away from the hole and held on to their respective partners.

The rumbling stopped.

"Whew," Mary sighed.

The rest of the ground disappeared and they screamed as they fell into the hole.

Sayaka hit her head on one of the pipes while falling and remembered seeing the ground close above them before her world turned black.


Everyone groaned as they opened their eyes and surveyed their surroundings.

The hole they fell into was another room.

"Everyone alright?" Ryota asked.

"Yeah, except for these bright lights," Mary grumbled. "The whole room is white. It's killing me."

Ririka screamed.

Everyone turned to look at her, paling as they realised what had caught her attention.

"S-Sayaka's dead!" Ririka cried.

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