Bottles (Part One)

428 10 16

Sayaka and Mary get drunk


The writer can't think of a proper title


Kirari and Ririka were in the middle of a game of poker when Kirari's phone rang.

The Supreme leader cancelled the call, not even bothering to check who it was.

However, the phone began to ring incessantly once more.

"Hello, Momobami speaking," Kirari said icily as she always did to everyone else, this time with a nuance of irritation in her voice. Her tender loving tone was reserved specially for her wife, and everyone knew that. "I'm in the middle of a game. What is so urgent that——"

"Hehe, no need to be so formal Prez. I bet you didn't even check to see who was calling you," Runa cackled from the other end.

"Runa?" Ririka chirped in. "Hey, is everything alright?"

A long silence ensued before a familiar voice sounded from the other end.


"S-Sayaka?" Kirari said, momentarily taken aback. "Why are you slurring? What's going on? You're not drinking, I hope? Don't tell me Midari dragged you along with her."

"Kikiiiii...hug...tired......" Sayaka continued to slur.

A crash sound followed and another slurring voice sounded from the phone.

"Ehhhh? What this......alien?!" a scream of surprise sounded from the phone.

"Mary?! It's me! Ririka!" Ririka exclaimed. "Are you drunk too?!"

" sexxxxxy alien with a sexxxxy voice......" Mary said with a sultry voice. "Why not I book a hotel room for twooooo?"

"HUH?!" Ririka said, shocked to her core as she began to short-circuit. "W-W-W-W-WHAAAAT?!"

"I'll take over from here," Kirari sighed as she took the phone. "Hello? Sayaka."

"Hmm?" Sayaka's voice said. "Kiki......cold......"

"I'll be there in a minute," Kirari promised before hanging up. "Let's go Riri. We have Midari to kill and our partners to bring home."

"How are we supposed to get there in one minute?" Ririka asked.

"Why, by taking a jet of course," Kirari said nonchalantly. "Didn't that cross your mind?"

"That crossed your mind?!" Ririka groaned. "We can't just take a jet there!"

"Madame Momobami, your jet is ready," a servant said, hurrying into the room.

"Mm very well. Lead us there."

Kirari shot Ririka a wink before dragging her out of the room.

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