Animal Love (Part Four)

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Kirari sat Sayaka down on the couch in the living room, placing a bowl of rice and sliced pork in front of her, accompanied by a glass of warm water.

She chuckled at the sight of Sayaka's eyes brightening at the sight of the food. The poor girl must have been living in unfavourable conditions before she was rescued. A sudden feeling of protectiveness came over Kirari.

'I will find whoever did this and make them pay,' she thought. 'But for now, I should focus on making sure that she's safe and comfortable.'

Just then, a yelp was heard.

Sayaka looked up and Kirari turned her head.

Ririka stood there, covering her mouth with her hands, a look of realisation on her face. "T-That's......"

Sayaka gazed from one twin to another in pure astonishment. She tugged on Kirari's sleeve, tilting her head in confusion.

"Ah, Riri, just in time. This is Igarashi Sayaka. Sayaka, this is my twin sister, Momobami Ririka," Kirari mused. "Both of your reactions are just so priceless, really."

Ririka huffed before nodding in Sayaka's direction. Sayaka did the same, giving Ririka a small smile.

Kirari sat down on the couch beside Sayaka, chatting with her as Ririka headed into the kitchen to find herself something to eat.

As Ririka emerged from the kitchen, Sayaka shot up from her seat. In one "poof!", her cat ears and tails appeared, making her half-human and half-animal. Her gaze was fixated on the food on Ririka's plate. She had already finished her own food long ago.

Kirari watched in amusement. Ririka's plate had slices of fish, no wonder Sayaka reacted that way.

"Do you want some, Sayaka?" Kirari asked.

Sayaka shook her head and furrowed her eyebrows. "No! I don't want that at all! I......I don't like fish! I don't eat seafood!"

Her cat ears started to twitch and her tail swished from side to side in contrast to her statement.

Kirari and Ririka glanced at each other. She did want some.

Ririka sat down on Sayaka's other side, offering her a piece, which Sayaka gratefully accepted, saying a soft "thank you".


" that's how your mum and I met," Sayaka finished.

Her twin daughters, Sayuri and Sayori stared at her in awe.

Kirari laughed. "Indeed."

Sayori furrowed her eyebrows. "So what happened to mummy?"

Kirari hummed. "You mother was being chased by human hunters. I got rid of them already."

Sayuri giggles, "Mum's so cool!"

Kirari pulled her wife in for a kiss. "Your mummy is very cool too. In fact, she's utterly fascinating."

Sayori blurted out, "Is that what we call 'hot shit'?"

Sayaja gasped at the profanity. "Yori!"

Sayuri blinked innocently at her after hearing her sisters question. "Aunt Midari taught us, but I think she said it should be used for when adults do that weird dance in their bed." Sayori nodded in agreement.

Sayaka face turned beet red as she turned to her wife in shock.

Kirari's eyes glowed protectively. "Aunt Midari, hm? I'll have a nice talk with her the next time we see her."

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