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I was look through my stories for typos and I realised I had this on ao3 but not Wattpad so here it is!

The spacing may be a bit big as it is copy and pasted directly from ao3 😅


"You're insane," Mary said.

"Now, now, Mary-san! Don't be so mean! I memorised many states of the chess board, I'll definitely win!" Itsuki exclaimed confidently.

"You didn't memorise everything though," Mary sighed. "Sayaka's IQ is insanely high, she probably memorised it all during middle school, I doubt you stand a chance, also, you forget that she's Kirari's fiancée, if anything goes wrong, your family's company might mysteriously close down or something."

"Hm, then I have even more surprising news for you! We're going to bet Sayaka's engagement ring!"

Mary smacked her friend with her sandwich.


"Oh? A game of chess?" Kirari said, eyes glowing. "And what are you planning to bet again?" Her eyes glowed maliciously. "My fiancée's engagement ring? You do know that it costs 990 Billion Yen, right? If you lose, that's the amount you owe her."

"I'm in."

Kirari turned, eyes widening in surprise. "Sayaka?"

"I enjoy chess," Sayaka stated. "I hope this will be a fun game, and not the type that ends in two moves."

"Two moves? That's impossible! Let's start!"


Sayaka's eyes, for once, glowed.

"Igarashi-san, did you memorise all the possible states of the chess board?" Itsuki asked. "Not to brag, but I memorised like 1/8 of everything so far in a week!"

Sayaka nodded. "I memorised all 10^120 possible states when I was eight, it was quite simple, really."

Kirari chuckled as Itsuki's face turned pale. "My darling, you're scaring her."

Itsuki glared at her before smiling at Sayaka. "May I go first?" Sayaka nodded.


"Your turn!" Itsuki said as she made her second move, oblivious to the impending disaster awaiting her.

"Checkmate," her opponent said as she moved her Bishop.

"Now, let's not----" Itsuki screamed. "That's not possible! YOU CHEATED!"

That set Sayaka off. Her eyes glowed again as her eyes narrowed. "Cheated? It's called a Fool's Mate, and judging from your behaviour, you really are a fool." Kirari hummed amusedly.

Sayaka leaned forward intimidatingly. "You have some nerve betting my engagement ring on this. You officially owe me 990 Billion Yen, think of a way to pay it."

She stood, waiting for Kirari to rise as well before leaving.

Kirari smirked cruelly at Itsuki.

"My men will pick you up for a little meeting with me regarding this later. Miroslava will be informed."

Itsuki screamed again, her sobs filling the room as she collapsed to her knees on the floor.

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