Experiment (Part Three)

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Terano watched as Yumi and Erimi threw snowballs at each other.

"I'm going to get you back for that!" Erimi yelled as Yumi threw yet another ball of snow dangerously near her face.

"Play carefully," Sumika advised gently. "Don't die before you turn 16 now."

"Hey Sumika," Terano said. "You smell that?"

The actress lifted her nose slightly higher in the air, eyes widening as she did.

"Oh my," she gasped. "Something's burning."

"It's coming from the Momobami mansion. Or villa, whatever. We should go," Terano said.

"Teehee, I didn't know you cared so much Terano," Sumika giggled. "Though I do agree. I'm worried too. Let's go. Erimi! Yumi!"

"Coming!" they replied as they squeezed themselves out of the mini igloo they had built together previously.


An hour later......

"I believe we're both getting full?" Kirari said. "I have somewhere else to go."

"Oh yeah? And where's that?" Mary asked.

"Why, home of course," Kirari chuckled. Then the we can spend time with our respective partners without breaking the so-called 'rules' in this experiment. I can't believe we didn't think of that earlier."

"Hm, you're actually not that dumb after all."

"What was that?"

"Nothing!" Mary snapped. "Anyway, those two are probably not even doing anything outside. Knowing them, they probably stayed at home—"

Mary turned to Kirari. "Did you know they were home this whole time?"

"My, your brain is quite slow. Why did you think I wanted to go home?"

Mary glared at the woman poisonously. If they weren't in public, she would've beaten her to a pulp.


Terano and the rest watched as Sayaka and Ririka slept on the couch with a large blanket covering them both.

An hour earlier, they had pressed a hidden button to activate the sprinkler system. Thereafter, they called the servants to clean the mess up as well as to place the two unconscious women on the sofa.

The servants had changed the sofa into a king-sized bed using a remote control, fascinating both Yumi and Erimi.

"They're both sleeping quite peacefully," Sumika observed. "But you can see that Sayaka is not fully at ease. Even unconsciously, she can tell if Kirari is with her or not." Her eyes darted to Ririka. "Ririka seems to be sleeping with no worries, considering that she knocked herself out."

They had reviewed the CCTV and were absolutely bewildered as to how Ririka found knocking herself out better than calling for help.

No wonder Kirari was the Supreme leader and not her.

Then again, everybody had their own strengths and weaknesses.

"Can we ask to be served some food?" Erimi whined, tugging on Sumika's dress. "I'm hungry. I want garlic bread dipped in hot cheese."

"Oh, that does sound nice!" Yumi squealed. "But I don't want to trouble them."

"There are the most number of servants here," Terano replied. "But regardless, it is their job to only serve the people living here. Even if we are really hungry, we can only plead with them to serve us food."

"True," Yumi sighed. "I guess we can wait on the other couches that aren't currently being occupied."

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