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In which Terano bumps into a pair of toddlers in Hyakkou whom she finds startlingly familiar, yet she can't seem to know where she has seen them before.

"Can't believe we're here again," Terano scowled.

"Hm, I think it's sweet that you decided to enrol into the school even after the elections!" Yumi replied before turning to look at the people behind her.

"You guys too!"

Behind them followed their fellow cousins. All decided to enrol into the academy after the elections. After all, what better place for a Momobami to thrive in?

"Well, this place is quite interesting," Sumika chuckled.

"Indeed," Rin said, smiling. "Just look at all these small fish waiting to be devoured."


Terano's sentence was stopped abruptly when the wheelchair knocked into something.

Or rather someone.

A pair of toddlers sat on the ground in front of them, one of them had a scraped knee.

"I'm so sorry!" Yumi apologised profusely as she knelt at their sides. " I was too distracted!"

One of the toddlers looked up to reveal a pair of startling familiar brilliant blue eyes.

Behind her, Terano heard a gasp from Miyo.

"What the......"

The toddler had dark violet hair that was styled into two French braids.

As she opened her mouth to say something, a loud wail was heard from the other toddler.

The other toddler's fair hair was also styled into two French braids. Her dark violet eyes glistened with fresh tears as she continued to wail.

"Hey, doesn't her crying seem familiar?"Ibara whispered.

"Yeah, I don't want to say it, but don't these two look and act like two people we know?" Sumika wondered.

"Kirari and Sayaka," Terano realised as she stared at the familiar hair and eye colours. The dark violet was quite common, but there was no mistaking those blue eyes and grey hair. (Kirari's hair is grey in the anime)

Terano whipped her head around to face her cousins.

"Don't tell me that idiot and her Secretary actually——!"

"Well, technically they're dating," Rin said.

"But they're not married! What—how—"

Terano was interrupted as the fair-haired toddler let out another cry.


Terano was taken aback as the toddler stood and climbed onto her lap.

"Mama?" the toddler asked.

"No, I am not your mother," Terano sighed as she gestured for Yumi to place the other toddler on her lap as well. "Let's find your mama, even though I suspect that I know who she is."

"You do?" the toddler with blue eyes chuckled, sounding very much like Terano's hated cousin. "How amusing."

"She's Kirari's child, no doubt about that," Miyo said, shuddering as they made their way to the Student Council Lounge.

Miri knocked on the doors.

"Come in," a light voice said.

The doors opened to reveal Kirari and Sayaka sitting on the couch, enjoying some tea and pastries.

"And now for the reveal..." Sumika whispered.

They watched as Sayaka's eyes widened in shock and Kirari's lips curl into a smirk.

The toddlers jumped off Terano's lap and ran to them.

"Mama!" the fair-haired girl cried as she jumped into Kirari's arms.

Kirari chuckled. "Why hello there."

The other toddler climbed onto Sayaka's lap calmly.

"Mummy, Yuri fell," she said.

"These two are really your spawn?!" Ternao exclaimed.

"Hm, isn't it obvious?" Kirari said, tilting her head.

Terano scoffed. "I expected you to be obnoxious, but this is totally unexpected! You and Sayaka aren't even married!"

Her eyes zoomed in on Kirari's finger and she gawked as she saw a shining ring with a sparkling violet gem on it.

She turned to look at Sayaka, who had an identical ring, just that her gem was brilliant blue.

" married?!"

"Why of course," Kirari sighed. "Really Terano. You overreact sometimes. We had a private wedding with just Sayaka and I. And Ririka and her stubborn girlfriend, along with their friends."

"Without US?! Do you realise how big of an event your wedding is?! You're the ruler of Japan! And you got married and had kids!"

"Hm yes, they are adorable aren't they?" Kirari laughed as her daughter kissed her cheek. "This is Sayuri, and her sister over there is Sayori."

"Twins," Terano said grudgingly. "The Momobami blood is clearly still more dominant than others."

"I wouldn't say that. This one has Sayaka's logical mind, and the other has her hair," Kirari said as she kissed her wife's cheek.

The twins got off their mother's lap as Terano continued to bombard Kirari with question.

Sayuri toddled over to Sumika and raised her hands. The actress blushed at the child's adorable face and picked her up.

"My my, you really look like your parents," she commented as Sayuri squealed happily.

"Pweety," Sayuri babbled as she played with Sumika's hair. "Pwincess."

"Oh my how sweet!" Sumika chuckled.

Meanwhile, Rin knelt down to be on eye level with Sayori.

Sayori tilted her head as she analysed his face.

"Sneaky," she concluded, giggling amusedly or herself. "Liar."

Rin scowled. "Excuse me?"

"Huh, she's right," Miyo laughed.

Miri stared at Sayori. "Whoa, her eyes are nice."

Sayori gave her a side-eye. "Cheap."

Miri's smile dropped and she glowered at the toddler. "Excuse me?!"

She then proceeded to chase the mischievous toddler around the room, eventually sitting down in defeat.


"You have to admit they're cute," Kirari said.

"I guess......" Terano grumbled. "No more after this."

"Why thank you for the idea!"

"Argh! No!" she turned to look at Sayaka. "I believe you'll rein her in like always?"

Sayaka smiled and nodded.

As Terano gazed at the twins playing around with everyone else, her mind flashed with children of her own, with her dark brown hair and eyes.

"I suppose this isn't too bad," she admitted.

Kirari smiled knowingly at her cousin.

"What was that?"

"Nothing! Just shut up!"

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