Experiment (Part Four)

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Ririka gasped as she woke up. She immediately rolled to the side in confusion and collided into a body beside her.

Glancing to the side, she caught sight of Sayaka laying beside her.

"D-D-D-D-DEAD BODY!!!" she screamed in terror as she struggle out of the blanket she was under.

Terano looked at Yumi who immediately rushed and pinned Ririka down on the couch.

"Calm down! That's just Sayaka! She's sleeping!"

"DEAD!" Ririka insisted.

"Can someone shut her up?" Miyo grumbled, slightly irritated.

"Hm...?" Sayaka mumbled as she woke up.

Ririka stared at Sayaka.

Sayaka rubbed her eyes blearily, looking to her right where Kirari usually was when they slept together. "Ki...rari?"

"She's alive!" Ririka shouted. "Oh. She's...alive."

"You alright?" Terano asked Sayaka.

"Hm? Oh yes, I'm sorry. Thanks for saving us," Sayaka replied. She had guessed that they had been rescued by their relatives when she woke up to see them crowding around her.

"No problem!" Ibara said. "So...do you think you could get them to cook us something?" He gestured to all the servants who had stopped whatever they were doing when Sayaka woke up. They were all kneeling on the floor, waiting for Sayaka to give them instructions.

"Sure, just tell them what you want," Sayaka said as she reached for her phone on the coffee table. "I'm going to call Kirari."

"Wait NO!" Ririka exclaimed. She knew that her sister was going to kill her for letting Sayaka get in harm's way. Ririka fumbled out of bed and tripped, banging her head on the coffee table. Groaning, she collapsed onto the floor.

"What the......" Rin said.

"Um...I'll just call her now," Sayaka sighed.


"Hello? Sayaka dear?" Kirari's voice sounded from Sayaka's phone.

Terano rolled her eyes at the sound of her cousin's name. Her cousin was so irritating to everyone but her wife, it pissed her off sometimes.

"H-Hi," Sayaka stammered slightly, blushing. "U-Um so...Ririka and I accidentally started a fire recently and—"

"Mhm, you fainted?" Kirari chuckled. "Poor thing, no one was there to catch you. Did you hit your head?"

"What—" Sayaka exclaimed quietly as her face turned to an even darker shade of red. "No, I—I did hit it...but I...Ririka collapsed also. And Terano-sama saved us. The rest are here too."

"Oh my, really," Kirari laughed. "Why hello there Terano, have you missed me?"

"Missed you?" Terano scoffed. "You're lucky I even chose to save your precious 'Sa~ya~ka' after you kindly 'decorated' the exterior and interior of my house!"

"Oh yes, how generous of you Terano. I shall show my gratitude by paying you a visit soon."

"No thank you! Just don't bother me anymore! That's the least you can do."

"Is Ririka okay?" Mary interrupted.

"She just fainted actually," Sayaka said, deciding not to tell her the details.

"Never mind that, we're coming over now," Kirari said. "I'll see you soon darling."

"Y-You too honey," Sayaka mumbled before hanging up.

Just then, a row of servants strode into the room and placed several tantalising delicacies on platters on the coffee table.

"You ordered steak?!" Miyo exclaimed at Miri.

"Medium rare. You want some?" she asked.

"Fine, but I'm not giving you any of my pasta in exchange."

Kirasaya One-ShotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora