Exam (Part Two)

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Kirari signalled one of the men from the Yakuza Gang to step forward.

He was the most skilled hacker in the group, having been tasked to hack into the surveillance cameras of the school.

"Hitarashi Kinmochi, have you retrieved what I have asked of you?" Kirari asked.

Kinmochi bowed deeply. "Yes, Madame. Out of all the surveillance cameras, the ones in the classroom where Miss Igarashi took her Geography lessons were blocked by a firewall. (forgive me if this is wrong, i suck at IT stuff) This is what I retrieved after hacking into the cameras. I did not see the video as I am reserving it for you.

"As you should. Excellent work, Sir Hitarashi. Please proceed outside with the family butler to collect your rewards and payments. The rest of you will receive awards as well after this."

Kirari watched the video captured by the surveillance cameras intently. The rest of the Yakuza gang members took a sudden step back in fear as Kirari's eyes glowed in fury.


These Yakuza gang members, who were known infamously throughout Japan were actually trembling in fear. And due to none other than Kirari Momobami.

"Kirari raised her head, calling forth two members. "Kirigaya Tabito, Hayashida Hirokumi. Choose someone to lead the rest to my dungeons in the Momobami estate. Thereafter, the two of you, follow me to Hyakkou Academy. Our target still resides there for now. Make haste."


Sayaka awoke to a pair of red eyes staring down at her.

The poor Secretary screamed, backing away. Sachiko hurriedly grabbed her younger sister by her shoulders. "Sayaka! Calm down, it's just me!"

"M-M-Monster......" Sayaka mumbled tearfully.

A chuckle was heard as Kirari entered the room.

One look and Sayaka screamed again.


Sachiko burst out laughing. Sayaka must've mistaken Kirari for a ghost due to her unusual skin complexion.

"Ghost? Look at my eyes, Sayaka," Kirari said patiently as she neared Sayaka, smiling amusedly.

Sayaka's eyes searched Kirari's face for any sense of familiarity. "Ki...rari...?"

"Yes, my love. It's me."

Sayaka turned to Sachiko. "One-san? What are you doing here?"

Sachiko let out an exhale of relief. "Well, I came to see you. Those foolish boys in our family were here too just now, but you were still sleeping then. I chased them out lest they wake you up with their shenanigans."

"And, I'm here to check on you," Kirari added. "Are you feeling better?" she caressed Sayaka's face, while her other hand held Sayaka's hand gently.

Sayaka nodded, humming as she laid her head on Kirari's shoulder.


A few days later, Sayaka's Geography teacher staggered into the classroom , supported by crutches. His neck and right leg had a cast and his forehead was bandaged. One of his ears had a plaster on it.

Sayaka stared openly, her hand covering her mouth in shock.

Meanwhile, Kirari, who had snuck into her class before the teacher arrived, chuckled softly to herself.

Kirari sat beside Sayaka, eyes glinting mischievously.

The Geography teacher beckoned Sayaka over and handed her revised exam paper result to her. "Ah...Igarashi-san. I marked your paper wrongly. You scored full marks and has once again topped the cohort."

As everyone else applauded for Sayaka, the Geography teacher left a resignation letter on the teacher's desk before staggering back out.


After class, Sayaka went over to Kirari.

"Was that your doing?" she asked.

Kirari smiled innocently. "Well, it worked, didn't it? You got what you deserved and so did he." She wrapped her arm around Sayaka's waist, pressing her lips to her cheek. "Hopefully this will keep the rest of the teaching staff on their toes, hm?"

Sayaka sighed. "You're impossible. But...thank you." She blushed furiously as she looked away.

"Hm? I couldn't hear that last part. Do you mind repeating it once more?" Kirari said, smirking.

Sayaka caught the Clan Head off guard by turning around and kissing her cheek.

"I-I...I said...t-thank you," Sayaka said softly, enjoying the light blush that coated Kirari's cheeks.

The Momobami Clan Head immediately pulled her Secretary into a deep kiss, gripping her firmly.

As they pulled away, Kirari took Sayaka's hand in hers.

"Well, now that that's settled," Kirari thought aloud. "Let us return home."

She then lead Sayaka back to the Momobami estate.

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