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This my last chapter huhuhu😭😭😭😭😭

In the future, when I think about random stories, I won't add them into the one-shots, so you'll have to find them on ao3 using this link:

Thank you for your support!

"Damn it......" Mary cursed, glaring at Midari.

"Ha! You just don't have it in you! Luck has never been your thing, huh? Or you would have been born rich!" Midari cackled.

Mary's nostrils flared. How dare she insult her family?!

"My family may not be crazy rich, but we're not that poor either! We're in between the middle class and rich class!"

"Yeah yeah," Midari said dismissively. "If I think about it, I do know someone who has a lot of luck."

"If you say the President——"

"Knowing how she was brought up? Fat chance! I'm talking about Sayaka!"

Mary raised a brow.

"Her clan is crazy rich, though not as much as the Momobamis of course, she's smart, pretty, oh and her general luck is really good."

Midari glanced at Mary up and down.

"No clan, not rich, not that smart, decent-looking, and terrible general luck."


"General luck, hm? I would like to see that for myself."

Midari and Mary turned to see the President.

"Yo, Prez! What're you doing here?" Midari exclaimed.

Kirari chuckled coolly. "Sayaka forgot her bag. I'm merely here to collect it." She tapped her chin. "However, you caught my attention. I would like to see Sayaka's luck. With such luck, it's still a wonder why she doesn't gamble."

Midari scoffed. "Have you heard of the arcade that closed down within an hour?"

Kirari tilted her head, grinning. "Why yes, of course. They took several days to restock their supplies. Why?"

Midari whistled. "That was on my birthday. Sayaka emptied all the claw machines and the playing stuff. She hit the jackpot for everything. The arcade ran out and had to close down within one hour to restock."

"Ara~! Is that so," Kirari said excitedly. "Well then, why not we bring Sayaka somewhere?"


"A-An arcade?!" Sayaka yelped. She shook her head vigorously. "I c-can't!"

"Hm. I don't see the problem," Runa said.

Yumeko clapped her hands together, her eyes lighting up. "Indeed, Igarashi-san! We can gamble to see who makes the most tickets!"

"Meh, I'll definitely lose," Midari mumbled. "But I'm down to team up with Yumeko!"

"Ah......sorry, Ikishima-san. But if we're teaming up, Yumeko will be with me," Ryota informed her.

"Suzui-san, who are you talking to?" Yumeko said with a blank expression.

"Eh? Ikishima-san over here wants to——"

"Who? I don't see anyone in front of you. You should take a nap, maybe you're starting to hallucinate."

"Yumeko!!!! I'm right here!!!!!!" Midari whined.

"A competition," Kirari wondered aloud. "Yes, that'll do. We'll be there for about 3 hours, so everyone should play as much as they want."

Sayaka sighed. The arcade was bigger than the previous one, so she was going to give it a maximum of one hour and thirty minutes.


"Let's start with the first machine! We all get a try!" Yumeko declared. "Igarashi-san, since you don't have much fun not gambling in school, you should go first!"

"W-What?! N-No...I'll pass..." Sayaka said, yelping as Kirari squeezed her shoulder and whispered into her ear.

"Don't make me kiss you to convince you, Sayaka. Try to loosen up a little."

Sayaka's face turned red and she let out a stutter.

She carefully pressed the button of the machine, watching it as the needle inside spun.

"JACKPOT!" the machine announced. "You are WINNER!"

3000 tickets flowed out of the machine into Sayaka's basket.

"One more turn!" the machine added.

Sayaka gulped and pressed the button yet again.

"MEGA JACKPOT!" the machine screamed. "This machine is officially out of tickets! Please proceed to another one!"

8000 more tickets went into Sayaka's basket and the lights in the machine went out.

Everyone stared silently at the Secretary with their mouths wide open. "U-Um..." Sayaka said softly. "The next one...I guess." Kirari tried her best to make her surprise as her mind raced with thoughts.

'How Midari was right...I want to see more...I want to see more of all this...'

"Fascinating!" Kirari exclaimed as she held Sayaka's hand and tugged her to another machine. "Let us play some more!"


Sayaka herself was proven right. One hour and thirty minutes and the arcade closed down to restock their supplies.

"That was fun," Sayaka admitted. Behind her and Kirari were many trolleys filled with heaps and heaps of soft toys that came in various sizes. These trolleys were pushed by Kirari's henchmen.

"It was," Kirari said as she kissed her cheek. "We should do it again."

"They're dating?!" Itsuki exclaimed.

"We have been telling you for the past three months!" Mary groaned. "You still can't get it?!"

Yumeko chuckled. "What an exhilarating day! I very much enjoyed playing with all of you! So, shall we see who has the most tickets in their card?"

"It's obvious isn't it? Sayaka got so many tickets that she had to purchase four more cards," Midari said.

"Yep!" Runa agreed.

"Hm, how strange. My friends are starting to hallucinate these days. Yomozuki-san just agreed to no one!" Yumeko said.

"YUMEKO!!!!!! PLEASE!!!!!" Midari sobbed.

"You are endlessly fascinating, do you know that?" Kirari asked Sayaka. Sayaka blushed furiously and hummed as she buried her head in the Clan Head's shoulder.

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