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"Tell me the nice ones and the bad ones, hm?" Kirari whispered in her wife's ear.

Sayaka nodded and kissed Kirari's cheek before wearing a mask and putting her hair in a bun under a hat. Her gloves stretched until they covered her elbows (Cinderella hoho) and her glass shoes sparkled in the dim light.

Sayaka stepped into the ballroom, making her way around the area.

The first man she met was one named Osamu.

"Hey there pretty one," he said. "My name means 'ruler'. If we get together, I'll make you my wife and you'll be my Queen."

"Ah, no thank you," Sayaka said nervously.

She spotted Kirari from the corner of her eye. The Clan Head was eyeing Osamu the same way a predator did its prey.

Fate was really not on Osamu's side.

Osamu boldly grabbed Sayaka by the waist, kissing her cheek before pulling away.

Sayaka glanced at Kirari anxiously. "S-Sorry, I have to——"

It was too late. Kirari was already at her side. She fished out a hankerchief and wiped away Osamu's kiss before taking off her mask and hat.

Instantly, Osamu paled as everyone stood and bowed.

"Greetings, Madame Momobami!"

Kirari smirked before doing the same to Sayaka.

"Greetings, Lady Momobami!"

Sayaka blushed furiously in Kirari's grip, laying her head on her shoulder.

"Osamu Kaneshiro, how intriguing you are," Kirari stated coldly. She snapped her fingers, summoning a group of Yakuza men. They dragged poor Osamu away to be dealt with later.

"Whoever even dares to hug my wife will suffer the same fate as that vermin, do you all understand? Not. Even. A handshake."

Everyone bowed hurriedly once more.

"Yes, Madame Momobami!"

"Your word is gold, Madame Momobami!"

"Good," Kirari said, smiling possessively as she tightened her grip on Sayaka's waist.

Sayaka eyed the jealousy in Kirari's eyes, finding that the jealously caused something else as well.


Her eyes widened as Kirari observed her.

"So you know, I wouldn't have expected any less from my dear Lily."

Kirari kissed Sayaka's cheek. "My darling Lily."

Thereafter, she led Sayaka to the master bedroom, swiftly locking the door behind them for the night.


Sayaka got pregnant soon after.

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