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Mary wonders why there are two pillows and a large blanket set up on one of the couches in the Momobami Estate Meeting Room.

"Hey, Yumeko," Mary said. "Have you ever gone into the meeting room?"

"Hm? Of course! Kirari-san has all her important meetings there," Yumeko replied while playing with her daughter, Yumekui on her lap.

"I just realised that on one of the couches, there are two pillows and a blanket there," Mary said. "Why would a bed be set up in such an important meeting room? Don't tell me that Sasquatch and Sayaka cuddle there together."

"I wouldn't say that," Yumekui interrupted, giggling as her mother braided her black hair. "It's for another reason. Let's bet over it!"

"Again?! You already won three bets with me," Mary grumbled.

Just then, one of Mary's twin daughters ran over. Mauri, Ririka's "mini-me". Despite having Ririka's shy personality, Momobami blood still ran through the little girl's veins, and she simply couldn't resist making a bet with her cousin.

"I-I want to make a bet!" she exclaimed with a slight blush on her cheeks, very much like Ririka. "I bet it's for Auntie Rari and Auntie Sayaka!"

"Oh? Interesting," Yumekui chuckled. "Hm...in that case, I bet that it's for Yuri and Yori. Even though that couch is really huge, Aunties Kirasaya usually snuggle in bed. I walked in on them once."

"Aunties Kirasaya?" Mary wondered.

"Hm hm," Yumekui hummed. "Mama taught me. It's a shortcut. So there's Aunties Kirasaya, Aunties Meariri and Aunties Sachikura."

Yumeko whistled sheepishly. "It is easier."

"Humph, I also bet that I will win!" Mauri said.

Yumekui's eyes glowed red. "Hm, me too. Then what will the consequences be?" She tilted her head and smiled mischievously. "I know! You have to let me dress you up in the cat ears! Then we can take a picture together. Just like our mamas. Then if you win, you can do whatever you want!"

"What!" Mauri said in disbelief. "Fine!"


"Let us begin the meeting," one of the officials declared. "So over here, you can see that our stocks......"

Kirari hummed quietly to herself. Beside her, Sayaka was listening attentively. Or trying to.

Even in the adult world, Sayaka was too advanced in every aspect, such that she could accurately predict the outcomes of different situations and strategise to combat the problems effectively.

"This is quite boring, don't you think?" Kirari mumbled.

"Hm," Sayaka muttered. "I already know what he's going to say in the end. I told you we didn't need this meeting."

Kirari responded by twirling a lock of her wife's silky hair around her finger and resting her head on her shoulder.

Sayaka blushed at this public display of affection.

Suddenly, there was a soft knock on the doors.

The doors were opened by a servant. In walked Sayuri and Sayori Momobami.

The doors closed behind them.

"Oh? Look who's here," Kirari chuckled.

Everyone else stood and bowed.

"Greetings to Little Misses Momobami!"

Sayuri and Sayori payed no heed to the greeting and sauntered over to the couch.

They kicked off their shoes and got under the covers and started to fall asleep.

Sayaka blushed. "They're so cute..."

"They are," Kirari agreed before turning to everyone else. "Meeting is postponed."

"But Madame Momobami!" the official presenting protested.

Kirari yawned. "It is quite boring, and my wife already knows what is going to happen in the end, so I really don't see a point."

"Lady Momobami might be wrong, with all due respect," the official argued. "I mean, she might not be very informed in this aspect of business——"

Everyone gulped in fear as Kirari's eyes glowed furiously.

"Don't you dare undermine my wife and her intelligence," Kirari seethed. "You even have the nerve to say 'with all due respect'. Perhaps you should get down on your knees to show your respect to the wife of the Supreme and Leader."

The official scrambled to his knees with his head down.

Sayaka placed her hand on Kirari's. "It's alright."

"No it's not," Kirari replied. "No one can speak to you that way. I won't tolerate it."


"Whoa, Auntie Rari is scary," Mauri shuddered.

"Hm, that bad guy deserved it. And did you realise something?" Yumekui asked. "I was right! I won the bet!"

Mauri froze before pouting. "Oh......"

"Heh, let's continue watching first," Yumekui decided. "Then we can get you ready for the cat ears!"

They watched as the official turned ashen white and cowered in trepidation under Kirari's piercing glare.

"I...I beg for your mercy...!" he stammered slightly incoherently. "P-Please Madame......!"

"Mhm, and which part of that has the word 'apologise' in it?" Kirari said, her voice as hard as steel.

She got up from her seat and slammed her foot onto the man's head.

"Apologise for insulting my wife," Kirari exclaimed quietly. "You are wasting my time."

"I-I-I apologise Lady M-Momobami! It was not my i-intention to humiliate you in...in front of e-everyone...!" the man cried. "Please! F-Forgive me!"

Kirari lifted her Jimmy Choo Avril Crystal Covered Pointy Shoe Pumps from the man's head and strode back to her wife, giving her a soft kiss on her cheek.

"You didn't have to do that......" Sayaka whispered. "I'm fine."

Kirari petted her head affectionately. "I know."

She gazed down at everyone else, prompting them to bow.

"Thank you for your time, Madame Momobami and Lady Momobami!"

'Fools,' Kirari thought. 'Commoners.'

"Leave," she said icily.

Mauri and Yumekui fled hurriedly as the officials opened the doors and scurried out.


"Is it really necessary to take a picture?" Mauri queried uncertainly.

"Of course!" Yumekui giggled. "Mama take a picture and put it beside the one of you and Auntie Mary!"

"Why of course!" Yumeko cheered. "You two are so adorable! Say 'meow'!"

Yumekui laughed as Mauri's face turned beet red.

"Cheer up Mauri-chan! I still want to take more pictures in the garden!"

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