America (Part Two)

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Idk a lot about drag queens so I decided to research but not a lot of stuff came out, so I hope this doesn't offend anyone who's reading this.😊

Chapter Text

While Kirari took a break in the office, she encouraged Sayaka and the children to tour the city.

Most people didn't seem to know who they were, which was a relief for Sayaka and Sayuri.

While they sat in open space of a Cafe eating desserts, a bearded man approached them.

"Hey, these two kids yours? They're hair and eye colours are beautiful," he said, complimenting the children.

Sayaka blushed lightly. "Thank you, yes, they are mine."

"Where's the father?"

Sayaka noticed a Drag Queen watching the conversation, along with a few of her friends. Not all we're Drag Queens too though.

"Um, it's actually another woman," Sayaka replied softly.

Sayori observed the man's face, reading him like Kirari always did others.

"It must be tough, mustn't it? Living in California and being homophobic, I almost feel sorry for you," the child deadpanned.

The Drag Queen gasped, smiling brightly at the bold child.

The man glared at Sayori before turning on her mother.

"They don't have a father?! Do you not know that every child needs a mother figure and father figure?! You've made a big mistake, you might as well not have these kids! Do you know how terrible you are?! That's sickening!"

Sayaka, being herself, started to cry. "I'm...I'm s-sorry..."

"You should be!" the man roared.

"Bitch, this is not happening! Not on my watch!" the Drag Queen from earlier said as she shot up from her seat with her friends, sashaying over.

"Is there a problem, lady?" she asked Sayaka. "Is this beat-up asshole disturbing your peace?"

"I...I didn't mean to offend h-him..." Sayaka said, hiccuping from her tears.

"Oh, no no no no no, honey, you're not offending anyone. It's him," the Drag Queen replied kindly.

Another women with short hair beside Sayaka hugged Sayuri who was crying. "Now, now, it's alright, some people are just douchebags."

"Excuse me?!" the man said, obviously outraged.

The commotion caused a crowd to form around the table, some of them recording the incident.

"Yeah, douchebag, some people don't need your opinion," the Drag Queen said. "Or I could talk about you too, how your face looks beat-up, how your nose looks like it had been hit by a truck and how that monstrosity of a bears you have could be a potential nest for birds. Oh, did I forget that national forest under your arms? I have to thank you, you're contributing to the giving out of oxygen."

"Man, she's reading you to filth," another friend of the Drag Queen said, cackling.

"Speak for yourself! Men should remain men, not be a woman!" the man protested.

The crowd immediately hurled a torrent of insults and accusations at the man for the comment, criticising him.

"How can you make a woman cry?"


"You even made the kid cry!"

"It's a free country old man! Get over yourself!"

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