Mama Kirari (Part Five)

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"You found what?" Ice-blue orbs glared at Sachiko warningly.

The Demon gulped. "I—we, found a-a cure."


Kirari looked down at Baby Sayaka on her lap fondly as she played with a soft toy. She had cried when she couldn't get it at a claw machine until Kirari destroyed it and presented her with all the toys.

Sayaka babbled as her wings flapped lightly.

"Look. Isn't it better to have her back to normal and have children together after that? Best of both worlds," Sachiko suggested, ignoring Ririka as she blew her nose into a tissue.

Kirari stroked Sayaka's hair gently. She did miss her wife's touch and presence in her normal form. She missed her as an adult. And they could have children together......

"Very well," she said. "Let's do it."


Sachiko stirred a few herbs before turning them into a liquid. Apparently, it tasted like sunshine and rainbows. How she knew how those tasted like was a mystery.

Sayaka wailed and refused to take the unknown substance, burying her head in Kirari's chest and looking up at her pleadingly.

Kirari sighed and took the potion.

"The potion will be very happy in your tummy," she said patiently.

Sayaka let out a babble and tilted her head.

Kirari smiled and opened her mouth, making an "ah" sound.

Sayaka followed suit, the adorable sound she made causing her mother to squeal.

"My baby princess is so cute!" Lady Seina squeaked. "Boys! Pay attention or I'll turn you into——"

"Plants, we know, Mother," Kato sighed. (Sayaka's eldest brother.)

"How dare you! Don't make me turn you into Rafflesias!"

Meanwhile, Sayaka gulped the potion and giggled softly before her eyes rolled back and she slumped in Kirari's arms.

Her light snores filled the air as she slept peacefully.

"When you wake up tomorrow, she'll be back to normal," Sachiko explained.


Kirari woke up to see an adult Sayaka curled up in her arms. Her angel wings were bigger now and were wrapped around Kirari.

Kirari watched her fondly and caressed her cheek tenderly.

This seemed to wake Sayaka up and her eyelids fluttered open.


Kirari kissed her cheek. "My lily."

Sayaka blushed before her gaze turned onto the soft toy beside her. As she surveyed her surroundings, she saw an enormous pile of soft toys in the corner of their chambers.

"Kirari! What...why are there..."

Kirari smirked amusedly. "Oh? You don't remember?"

Sayaka frowned and closed her eyes before a torrent of memories suddenly bombarded her mind. She gasped and clutched her wife's hand tightly until the memories slowly pieces themselves together.

Sayaka looked up at Kirari sheepishly. "Oh."

Kirari hummed.

"Well, I kind of want to have children now."

Kirari's eyes lit up as she heard this and she immediately pinned her wife to the bed. "My thought exactly!"

Sayaka turned beet red and she let out a squeak before Kirari captured her lips with her own.


"So that's why you two have so many toys. After that claw machine, she wanted all the other toys in the other machines as well," Kirari explained.

Sayuri Momobami gazed up at her with dark violet eyes. Her white hair was braided into two French braids.

Her twin sister, Sayori Momobami, was struggling after a giant teddy bear fell on her. Her dark violet hair was a mess, her braids already come undone. She narrowed her brilliant blue eyes in determination, but still gave up eventually.

Sayaka had to get her out.

"Yori, you really need to be more careful," Sayaka said.

Sayori beamed and giggled before continuing to listen to Kirari's story.

"So Yuri likes chocolate like mummy?" Sayori asked.

Kirari chuckled. "Indeed. And you eat your vegetables like me."

Sayaka scrunched up her nose. "No one likes vegetables."

Kirari kissed the tip of her nose.

"Am I no one?"

Sayaka blushed and buried her face in her shoulder. "Of course not."

Kirari smiled and moved to intertwine their fingers together.

It was truly a good thing that Sachiko convinced Kirari to let Sayaka drink the potion.

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