Experiment (Part Five)

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Ririka groaned as she opened her eyes. Surveying her surroundings, she caught sight of her sister feeding Sayaka some soup and her cousins enjoying a smogasbord of tantalising dishes.

If Kirari was here...

"Mary?" Ririka mumbled. She sighed with relief as she felt a familiar hand on her own.

"I'm here, Riri," Mary said softly as she sat beside Ririka. "Are you feeling better?"

"I...guess," Ririka grumbled as she sat up. "Strange. I don't remember my cousins coming here. And how did I get knocked unconscious?"

"You really don't know? Terano told us about your silly shenanigans. Instead of calling for help, you knocked yourself out? Really?"

Ririka blushed as she suddenly remembered what had previously occured.

"I just panicked," she argued weakly.

"Yeah yeah, now just drink some soup. You've had a long day," Mary sighed.

"Mm," Ririka said as she swallowed a spoonful of piping hot soup. "So how did your day with Rari go?"

"To be honest? It wasn't as bad as I thought it'd be, but I certainly won't do it again," Mary said. "We're better with our respective partners, that's for sure."

Ririka follows her line of sight to see Sayaka leaning on Kirari with her head on her shoulder. The Momobami Clan Head showed a unfamiliar tenderness to her wife as she stroked her hair and whispered things to her that only they could hear.

She truly had a soft spot for Sayaka.

"Yeah, that's true," Ririka agreed. "Let's just stick to what works best next time."


"Wait, what do you mean by we're getting punished?" Rin asked in disbelief. "We saved her precious 'Sa~ya~ka!"

"Well, Kirari feels that we should've called the doctor to check on Sayaka instead of just sitting there," Miri grumbled. "That's totally unreasonable if you ask me."

"No shit," Erimi growled as she scrubbed the floor. "Cant believe we have to clean the Student Council Lounge for a week. She's lucky we even chose to save Sayaka."

"Language, Erimi," Sumika reminded. "Though I must say, this is a little extreme."

"Hey! No talking!" Midari interrupted, cradling her gun in her arms.

"And why's this nutball supervising us?" Miyo asked as she pointed to the masochist.

"Less talking," Midari warned. "Don't forget you still have to feed Kirari's pet fish after this. If any one of them dies, you pay one million yen. For each fish."

"But that's not fair! One of them already died when we came!" Ibara protested as he pointed to a dark violet betta fish.

Midari paled at the sight. "Oh shit. That's her favourite fish."

It was indeed, as it reminded Kirari of Sayaka.

These cretins were screwed, regardless of what the cause of death was.

"Meh, might as well give them the punishment in advance before the Prez finds out about this," Midari sighed, shrugging. "You guys have to mow all the lawns in the Momobami Estate after all this."

"Are you serious?! Do you know how large the estate is?!" Miyo shrieked. "I quit! I'm not doing any of this anymore!"

"Ara~what's going on?" Kirari chuckled as she strode in with Sayaka.

Everyone watched as Kirari's eyes widened at the sight of her beloved fish dead. Her lips parted slightly in shock before she turned to her wife, sealing their lips in a long, passionate kiss.

"Fear not, darling, I'll find a new you," she promised. "I won't let you die. Ever."

Her cousins stared in disbelief.

"Seriously? You——"

Ibara shut his mouth instantaneously as Kirari glared at him murderously.

Picking up the mop from the floor, he began to mop, painstakingly.

This was going to be a long day.

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