Escape Room (Part Two)

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"Don't say that! Do you want to get killed?!" Mary hissed. It seemed her partner was completely oblivious to her sister's murderous glare.

Kirari stood with her wife in her arms. Sayaka looked unscathed, save for a small bruise on the corner of her forehead, which Kirari covered with her fringe.

"I thank you very much for your optimism, sister, but my wife is not dead. And I will not allow her to die either. Now go ahead and solve the next puzzle lest I rip your tongue out for your childish assumptions," Kirari threatened as she held Sayaka protectively.

Ririka squeaked in fear and scurried away, very much like a mouse and found herself in the next room surrounded by puzzles.

Everyone else followed her and gasped in awe. Unlike the room they were previously in that was filled with peculiar objects, the puzzles in this room were something else. They required a high level of logical thinking in order to be solved.

"Why didn't someone else get knocked out?" Mary groaned.

"Cheer up Mary!" Yumeko giggled. "There's always a irrational side to a rational side of a situation, like Kirari and Sayaka!"

"That's true. Hey Kirari come help!"

Kirari was too busy gazing at her wife fondly while stroking her hair.

"We are so screwed," Ririka said.


Sayaka's eyes fluttered open slowly and she could roughly hear several people arguing in the distance.


"Look, I know you're worried for her, but can you just get your mind out of the gutter?!" Mary yelled.

"Are you questioning my wife's beauty?! Why not you try staring at her flawless skin and gorgeous locks and then tell me to stop looking!" Kirari argued, enraged.

Mary pretended to widen her eyes before smirking. "I don't see anything."

"Saotome, tread very carefully," Kirari snarled.

"Or what? You'll——"

Sayaka gasped slightly as she opened her eyes.

Kirari's eyes shot to her wife.

"Sayaka," she said worriedly.

"Ki...rari...head...hurts..." Sayaka mumbled as she nuzzled her head against her wife's chest.

Kirari's eyes softened immediately as she pressed a soft kiss to Sayaka's cheek.

"I know."

"Hey, you alright?" Mary asked. "That pipe was pretty hard. Ryota accidentally walked into one just now."

"He's fine," Yumeko called. "Maybe it's just broken? A little?"

"We better get out of here quickly then," Mary sighed. "Your kid is out there too."

Yumeko stared at her before nodding. "Oh......right."

Yumeko's daughter, Jabami Yumekui, with her mothers signature red eyes and black hair, was also held hostage with the others.

Her name literally meant "dream-eater" or "nightmare", because it was the opposite meaning of her mother's name. God knows how Yumeko found it "romantic".

Her daughter did turn out to be a nightmare though, so the name was quite fitting.

"The puzzle there...solve first..." Sayaka muttered as she pulled away from her wife depsite her protests and strode to the first puzzle on the wall.

"Tch, this is so easy. Are they looking down on me?" Sayaka wondered. She keyed in a set of numbers and the rest of the puzzles disappeared.

"What the......" Mary said in awe.

"Omega is used to denote the ultimate limit of a set," Sayaka explained. "It's the last letter fo the Greek alphabet."

"Well yeah, and how does pineapple got to do with that?" Mary asked.

Sayaka blushed. "I actually don't know. It just felt like I knew the answer. I don't know how though."

"Mhm, just like the Tower of Doors. Your mind knows the answer to everything, even if you yourself doesn't know that. You're completely logical to the core," Kirari mused, kissing her wife's neck. "How...romantically fascinating."

Before the eccentric Supreme Leader could make out with her wife on the spot, Ririka pulled her back so that a flustered Sayaka could focus on the next puzzle.

However, the next puzzle never came.

Instead, a metal bat suddenly shot out from one of the walls and clocked Ririka on the head, knocking her out.

A robotic hand dragged the fair-haired girl away.

"RIRI!" Mary shouted, trying to pull her partner back but it was too late.

The wall closed after Ririka and the robotic hand moved around to find its new target.

Pausing in front of Mary, it went over and lunged at Sayaka.

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