Sports (Part Five)

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"Ew! You two took pictures of each other?" Mary gagged. Our favourite Momobami Gang sat in a limousine on the way home, chatting with each other.

"They're all different!" Sayaka said, blushing. "Look! This one shows her stomach when she jumped to strike the ball. This one shows 1cm more of her stomach."

Kirari chuckled. "Mhm, Riri, look at how her shirt creases differently whenever she moves."

"You took so many pictures of her just to see the different creases on her shirt?!" Ririka gawked.

"Sayaka's just so perfect, isn't she?" Kirari sighed before pulling Sayaka closer and kissing her cheek. "My precious lily."

"God, please don't do that in front of us," Mary groaned.

Sayaka hummed as she nuzzled her face against Kirari's chest.

"Ahem, moving on," Ririka said, swatting away her sister's hand when she tried to show her a picture of Sayaka crying.

"What punishments are in store for them? Will their parents come to save them? Will we go into war?" Kirari gushed. "Just thinking about the possibilities make my heart flutter!"

Mary sighed. She'll leave the punishment to Kirari, for now, all she was focused on was the emptiness in her stomach and the delicious food that awaited her back home.


"Say 'ah'~" Kirari said as she held a spoonful of soup in front of Sayaka.

"I-I can feed myself," she protested weakly before opening her mouth.

"Ugh can you guys be normal?" Mary grumbled.

"Mhm, I recall my sister feeding you some rice and eggs."

"Shut up!"

"What are you going to do after this?" Ririka cut in hurriedly, sharing a relieved look with Sayaka at having managed to stop their partners from brawling.

"Ah, thanks for reminding me, dear sister," Kirari chuckled as she pulled Sayaka closer to her. "I'm going to the courtyard later to scare those apes later. I'll invite their parents thereafter and have them pay me a few million." She smirked as she imagined scaring the men who had dared to challenge her earlier at the beach.

Sayaka frowned worriedly and gave Kirari a peck on the cheek. "Be careful. I think I should follow you in case you get in trouble."

"Me? Nonsense. Moreover, I can't let you see what I'm going to do to them," Kirari laughed.
"Children aren't supposed to witness blood. Especially blood from...ah...never mind."

Sayaka just hummed and lay her head on Kirari's shoulder, appearing not to hear the last sentence.

"Gosh, she's going to destroy their manhood?!" Ririka gasped silently.

"Ugh, your sister's disgusting," Mary gagged, shuddering. "And you're following her right?"

Mary was answered with the sound of Ririka fainting onto the floor.


Kirari and Ririka arrived at the courtyard a few hours later. Kirari took quite some time convincing Sayaka not to follow her, which resulted in a passionate make-out session that lasted 2 hours. To say the least, Sayaka was currently sleeping soundly.

Meanwhile, Ririka and Mary had played a painstakingly long game of poker, neither refusing to give in. If Ririka lost, Mary would follow her.

The game took 3 hours to complete but it was all worth it.

"Thank god they didn't come ," Ririka sighed.

"Indeed, dear sister," Kirari chuckled. "My darling Sayaka shouldn't even interact with men."

A group of boys cowered before the twins, listening to their connversation. Young adults, if you may, for they were far too immature to be adults but old enough to not be considered boys.

"Ahem, anyway, we should quickly deal with this," Kirari said. "My financiers from Henri Charpentier are arriving soon and I must receive them personally."

"W-Whatever, you go f-first," Ririka replied timidly.


Striding forward with a dagger in her hand Kirari knelt in front of Daisuke, who was quivering in trepidation. In one smooth motion, Kirari stabbed the ground deeply, just inches away from his face.

The young adult let out a whimper while the rest of his gang cowered behind him.

"Daisuke, was it? You're lucky I even remember your name," Kirari said dangerously as she drew nearer to his face. "You're going to pay for even looking at my wife."


"Ohh!" Sayaka gasped as she marveled at the sight of animals. She and Mary were currently watching an animal documentary on tree gigantic television. Why anyone would be interest in the scientific facts and features of animals was beyond Mary.

"Can we watch something else now?" Mary sighed.

"But my Vaquita hasn't appeared yet," Sayaka pouted. "You know, the most endangered cetacean in the world. With as few as around 10 left, the species will become extinct without a fully enforced gillnet ban throughout their entire habitat."

"Uh huh?" Mary said. "Once they finish up with your Vaquitas I wanna watch my gambling show. They're going to play Russian Roulette soon."


"Well, soon-to-be wife anyway," Kirari said, gushing slightly. "Mhm, she's just so perfect isn't she? My Sayaka. Her round eyes and cute agree with me don't you?"

"Yea she's hot," Daisuke agreed, yelping as Kirari hovered the top of the dagger over his neck.

"You fool. You're not supposed to agree with me."

"What? Fine, I don't agree! She's not hot at all!"

Kirari's eyes glowed furiously. "How dare you insult my perfect fiancée?! Clearly you haven't seen her in bed! Apologise right now!"

"B-But you just—!" Daisuke yelped as the knife drew closer. "Fine! I agree! She's really really hot!"

"And how would you know? You've been ogling her, haven't you! Haven't you?!"

"What?! Haven't I? Have I? I have!" Daisuke let out a noise of terror as Kirari glared at her. "Wait I haven't! Haven't I?!"

"So you have!"

"What are you talking about?!" Daisuke cried out in confusion.

"Anyway, I'm not going to torture any of you physically, but I will use some of my favourite tricks to destroy you mentally. How about that? You wouldn't want to lose your manhood, would you?"

Daisuke shook his head.

"Good, now let's proceed."

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