Chapter Two

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As soon as Henry stepped foot into school he was being called by someone.

"Henry? Henry!" Miss. Shapen approached him with some random guy trailing behind her.

"Yes?" Henry asked the teacher.

"This is Dylan Montgomery, he's new here." Miss. Shapen explained.

"Uh... okay?"

"I want you to show him around." Miss. Shapen pushed the new boy into Henry.

"I though you were supposed to show me around?" Dylan asked, turning to Miss. Shapen.

"I was, but I don't want to anymore." Miss. Shapen stated before walking away.

Dylan turned back around to face Henry. "Is she always like this?"

"Yeah, pretty much. Sometimes she's worse, actually." Henry stated.

"Great." Dylan sarcastically said as he began to walk away from Henry.

"Hey, where are you going?" Henry called out.

"Oh, you don't actually have to show me around and what not."

"No, no it's fine. I mean you're new here and all; you probably don't know where anything is." Henry walked towards Dylan so they were next to one another again.

"That is true." Dylan let out a light laugh with his words. "I just didn't want to be a bother."

"You're not." Henry gave Dylan a smile. "Do you know where your locker is yet?"

"Oh, yeah. It's just over here." Dylan led Henry to where his locker was and opened it with his fingerprint. "I haven't put anything in here yet."

"Yeah it looks pretty bland, mine is so much better." Henry went to his locker, which was directly next to Dylan's, and opened it for the other boy to see.

Dylan closed his locker and peered over Henry's shoulder, looking inside. "Very nice." He commented.

Dylan and Henry started a conversation with one another, but it didn't last long before Charlotte and Jasper had found Henry and approached their friend.

"Hiya, Henry!" Jasper greeted as he approached the two boys with Charlotte trailing behind. "Who's this?" He questioned.

"This is Dylan." Henry stated as Dylan gave both Charlotte and Jasper a small wave. "He's new here."

"Where'd you move from?" Charlotte questioned, wanting to get to know the new kid.

"Jonsville." Dylan replied.

"That's pretty far from here. What is that two hours?" Jasper noted.

"Little under, yeah."

Before anymore talking could be done, the bell rang signaling the students to get to class.

"Hey, do you know where your first class is?" Henry questioned Dylan.

"Oh it's..." Dylan pulled out a piece of paper that had his schedule on it from his back pocket, "in room 403."

"Oh we're all in that class too!" Jasper exclaimed. "Want to walk with us?"

"Sure." Dylan replied, glad to find such nice people on his first day in a new school.

The school day came to an end; Henry, Dylan, Jasper, and Charlotte were all talking by where Henry and Dylan's lockers were located. Henry's watch began to beep, his eyes going wide.

"What's that for?" Dylan questioned, pointing to Henry's watch.

"Oh it's an..." Henry paused, looking for words, "alarm."

"An alarm for what?"

"My reminder to get to work, I'm a little forgetful." Henry looked to both Jasper and Charlotte, telling them with his eyes they all had to go.

"It's also an alarm for us." Charlotte stated, panicked, hoping that no further questions would be asked. "We all work at the same place."

"Where's that?" Dylan asked.

"It's a place called Junk n' Stuff." Jasper provided. "They sell junk and other stuff."

"Oh, cool." Dylan seemed content with all of their answers. "You should get going then, your watch has been beeping for a while."

"Right yeah," Henry, Charlotte, and Jasper all began to slowly back away, "we should get going. See you around!"

"See ya!" Dylan called out.

The three of them booked it out the door, making their way to the Mancave in order to respond to Ray's emergency call. Dylan watched them practically sprint out the door, focusing his eyes on Henry out of them all. Something seemed familiar with him to Dylan, but he didn't know exactly what; all he knew was that he felt as if they had met before.

He didn't want to put too much thought into it, as he had plans of his own that needed to be executed.

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