S4xE2: Brawl in the Hall

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Dylan and Henry were waiting around by their lockers for their friends. It was the end of the school day and they were all going to travel to Junk-N-Stuff together. Charlotte was the first to join the two, saying hi to her friends once she spotted them and walked over.

"Hey Hen, Dylan." She greeted.

"Hey Char," Henry greeted back as Dylan smiled, "How was your student council meeting?"

"Oh, it was really good! Next semester we're planning a bake sale to raise money—"

"Aww, that sounds great." Henry interrupted her, earning himself a light smack on the arm from Dylan for being rude. Charlotte just rolled her eyes at Henry and switched to a different topic.

"All right, it's almost four o'clock," Charlotte stated as she pulled out her phone from her back pocket, "We better get to work."

"Oh no, we're good. Piper's gonna drive us." Henry told Charlotte, who groaned in response.

"No, I don't like it when Piper drives us!"

"Why? She has her driver's license."

"Only because the state gave her one by mistake."

"Still valid..." Henry trailed off in a low voice.

"Dylan when are you getting your license?" Charlotte asked, desperately wanting someone in their friend group to be able to drive.

"Well first I have to get my permit and then I have to wait nine months after that." Dylan responded.

"And when are you getting your permit?" Charlotte asked.

"I don't know." Dylan answered honestly and Charlotte groaned again.

Honking could be from outside the school, the three of them directing their attention to the front doors.

"Is that Piper?" Charlotte asked Henry who was walking over to the doors.

"Yeah," Henry responded as he opened one of the doors and stuck his head out to yell at his sister, "Hey Piper! Quit honking the horn!" Piper just laid on the car horn in response, signaling that she heard his message, but it was not accepted. "Love you too!" Henry shouted to the parking lot before closing the door and walking back over to Dylan and Charlotte.

"All right, where's Jasper?" Charlotte was getting a little antsy waiting for him.

"Still in detention." Dylan responded.

"What's he in for, anyway?"

"Dress code violation."

"Aww, not a belly shirt."

"Belly shirt." Of course Jasper would be the one to wear a ridiculous outfit to school and get in trouble for it.

Students started flooding out of Miss. Shapen's room, where detention was being held. She practically kicked everyone out of the classroom, commenting how they were all disappointments on their way out. Jasper noticed his friends waiting for him in the hallway, walking over to them.

The first thing the others noticed was the hot pink cardigan he was wearing, which seemed to have some already built in breasts.

"Why are you wearing a pink sweater?" Henry asked, containing in a laugh.

"Oh, this is Miss. Shapen's." Jasper told him. "She made me put it on since my crop top shirt was a dress code violation."

"Well, why did you wear a crop top shirt to school when you know it's against the rules?" Charlotte questioned.

"Because I should have the right to let my bellybutton breathe and be free!" Jasper defended.

"I don't think that's a right." Charlotte commented, part of her wondering how her friend made it this far in life.

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